inicio » Personas » C. Balaguer

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Carlos Balaguer received his Ph.D. in Automation from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Spain in 1983. From 1983-1994 he was with the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the UPM as Associated Professor. Since 1996, he has been a Full Professor of the Robotics Lab at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He has been Director of the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation (2006-2007) and the vice-Rector for Research of the university in the period of 2007-2015. He is Director of the Master degree in Connected Industry 4.0 (2018-2021). Prof. Balaguer´s research has included, but not limited, intelligent robotics, humanoid robotics, robots’ design and development, robot control, path & task planning, force-torque control, assistive and service robots, rehabilitation and medical robots, climbing robots, robotics and automation in construction, maintenance & inspection robotics, human-robot interaction. He participates in numerous EU projects since 1989, like Eureka projects SAMCA, AMR y GEO; Esprit projects ROCCO and CEROS; Brite project FutureHome; IST project MATS; 6FP IP projects ManuBuild, I3CON, Tunconstruct; Strep project RobotCWE; 7FP project RoboSpect; and H2020 projects STAMS, INDIRES, ROBOCOM++ and BADGER (coordinator). He has published more than 200 papers in journals and conference proceedings, and several books in the field of robotics. He is a member of IEEE and IFAC, and former President of IAARC (2001-2004). He participates in the European networks Euron and Clawar. Prof. Balaguer had been also an Associate Editor of IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine (2000-2005) and is member of the Editorial Board of Automation in Construction journal (Elsevier). He was the coordinator of the Spanish Robotic Network (2005-2009) and of the Madrid Community universities’ consortium RoboCity2030 on Service Robots (2006-2022), and was the Spanish representative in the European platform EUROP (2006-2008). He is currently member of the euRobotics Board of Directors (2015 -2021). He is also the Chairman of the Council for Science and Technology of the Community of Madrid (2016 – 2020) and the current President of the Spanish Association of Automatica – CEA (2018-2022). He received several awards, among them the best book «Fundamentos de robotica» edited by McGraw-Hill (1988), best paper of the ISARC’2003 in Eindhoven (The Netherlands), IMSERSO´s Award 2004 for assistive robots research, the Industrial Robot journal Innovation Award of the Clawar’2005 in London (UK), Tucker-Hasegawa Award 2006 in Tokyo (Japan) for a major contribution in the field of Robotics & Automation in Construction and FUE´s Award 2014 for AIRBUS-UC3M Joint R&D Center. He was the General-Chair of the following conferences: the IAARC International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC´1999), the IEEE-RAS Humanoids’2014 and the IEEE/JRS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’2018). Some Travel Dates for 2019 • January 22-23rd: euRobotics – Brussels • February 21-22nd: EU Comanoid project review – Nantes • March 18-22nd: European Robotics Forum – Bucarest • April 3-4th: BADGER project meeting – Pisa • April 10-11th: CEA meeting – Ferrol • May 8-11th: PhD. Thesis jury – Abu Dhabi • May 20-24th: ICRA 2019 – Montreal • July 14-20th: CCSS 2019 – Senigallia • July 23rd: euRobotics – Brussels • September 4-6th: Jornadas de Automatica CEA – Ferrol • October 15-17th: Humanoids 2019 – Toronto • November 3-8th: IROS 2019 – Macau



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