
Housing for Europe in the next century: Affordable, high quality homes for all

Main researcher: C. Balaguer



The main objective of the FutureHome project is the development of Integrated Construction Automation (ICA) concept and associated to them technologies during all the stages of the house-building construction process, i.e. from architect?s desk to site robots:

? Design the buildings in modular way taking in mind its robotic erection

? Automatic planning and real-time re-planning of the off-site pre-fabrication, transportation and on-site assembly

? On-site automatic and robotic transportation and assembly of the buildings pre-fabricated parts.

Nowadays methods on house building are based on manual techniques, which are slow, expensive and non-coordinated. Each building continues to be unique in architecture and construction sense. Even though the investigation to develop new construction techniques has been important during the past years there is still a long distance between the construction industry and others industries, like, for example, automobile industry. It is difficult to image the houses shall produce as the cars, but at the same time it is not possible to construct the houses as eighty years ago.

A change in the construction methods and the acceptance of the high quality and flexible prefabrication technologies are essential for the construction industry. Automatically build different houses with the same pre-fabricated modules is the challenge of this project. The benefits of construction industries can be improved by using advanced manufacturing systems. These modular systems will increase the quality and the customer satisfaction.

This idea of the modular house-building is not new. Several developments were done in the past. Some of them were used in massive way in Eastern Europe, Germany, Japan and other countries, but all the past approaches didn?t solve three main problems: a) quality of the modular houses, b) flexibility in the design, i.e. different interior and exterior design is made by the set of predefined modules, and c) robotic on-site assembly of modules. The FutureHome project tries to avoid these disadvantages introducing the ICA concept.

The FutureHome EU consortium is formed by: Imperial College (UK-leader), British Steel (UK), Dragados (E), Rautaruukki (SF), VTT (SF), Slavenburg (NL), Unysis (UK), BRE (UK), KTH (S), TUM (D), UC3M (E). The Japanese consortium is formed by: Hitachi Zosen, Shimizu, Kajima, Hazama, University of Osaka, AIST, Waseda University.

A mechatronics security system for the construction site
Automation in Construction. num. 4 , vol. 14 , pages: 461 – 467 , 2005
M. Abderrahim
FutureHome: An integrated construction automation approach
IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine. num. 1 , vol. 9 , pages: 55 – 66 , 2002
M. Abderrahim
Robotics and automation in construction
IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine. num. 1 , vol. 9 , pages: 4 – 6 , 2002
C. Balaguer M. Abderrahim
Computer-aided architectural design oriented to robotized facade panels manufacturing
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. num. 3 , vol. 16 , pages: 216 – 227 , 2001
Robot assembly system for computer-integrated construction
Automation in Construction. num. 5 , vol. 9 , pages: 479 – 487 , 2000

Nowadays trends in robotics and automation in construction industry: Transition from hard to soft robotics
21st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC'04), Jeju, Corea
Soft robotics concept in construction industry
10th International Symposium on Robotics and Applications (ISORA'04), Seville, Spain
Robotics and Automation in Construction industry: From hard to soft robotics
3rd IARP Workshop on Service, Assistive and Personal Robots, Madrid, Spain
A Mechatronics Security System for the Construction Site
20th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2003), 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
M. Abderrahim
3D Simulator of Modular Building Assembly by Automated Cranes
20th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2003), 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
V.M. Padron M. Abderrahim
EU FutureHome project results Lugar de celebración: (Holanda)
20th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction (ISARC?2003), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
AUTMOD3: A Planning Tool for Modular Building System
19th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 2002, Washington, USA
V.M. Padron M. Abderrahim
The design and Development of an Automatic Construction Crane
18th IAARC/IFAC/IEEE International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2001), 2001, Warsaw, Poland
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez S. Garrido M. Abderrahim
Autmod3: an Automatic Modularization System
17th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
V.M. Padron M. Abderrahim
Título del artículo: Design of a gripping system for the automated assembly of large building
17th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC?00), Taipei, Taiwan
M. Abderrahim

Robotics and Automation in Construction
IN-TEH , ISBN: 978-953-7619-13, 2008
M. Abderrahim
Robotics and Automation in Construction
chapter: Trends in Robotics and Automation in Construction pages: 1 – 20. IN-TECH , ISBN: 978-953-7619-13, 2008
M. Abderrahim C. Balaguer

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