Multifunctional self-supported climbing robot able to travel in complex environments

Main researcher: C. Balaguer



The main objective of the ROMA robot is the development of multifunctional autonomous self-supported climbing robot able to travel into complex 3D metallic-based environments. The main application of the robot is the inspection of bridges, buildings? skeletons, off-shore platforms, etc. The robot is able to moves in a similar way to a caterpillar. The navigation is performed by the robot on-board CPU in autonomous way without other help. The robot is equipped with color camera and laser telemeter to check for rust, painting states and cracks in the structure. These data are transmitted to the ?ground? center to monitoring and supervision the inspection operations.

The robot has eight DOF kinematics:

a) Four DOF for the elevation and orientation of each gripper, b) one DOF for the rotation of the one of the grippers, c) one DOF for the “extension” of the body, and d) two DOF for the grippers.


a) Elevation range: -10º/+190º, b) orientation range: -190º/+190º, c) rotation range: -190º/+190º, d) extension range: 500 mm, e) grippers extension range: 300 mm, f) robot weight: 75 kg, g) maximum linear velocity: 1 m/min, and h) autonomy wirh on-board batteries: 3 h.


The sensorial system is based on a camera and a laser telemeter, for inspection operations and for the robot navigation system.

Lessons from the ROMA I inspection robot development experience
4th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR'01, Karlsruhe, Germany
A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim
Skill-based Strategy motion planning of a climbing robot for complex metallic structures
3rd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR'00, Madrid, Spain
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim
A multi-purpose autonomous robot for travelling in metallic structures
International Symposium on unmanned vehicles for aerial, ground and naval military operations, Ankara, Turkey
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim
Identification of Dynamic Parameters of Manipulators Links
7th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, Atlanta, USA
A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim
New methodology for solve the RPR employing the isolated edge
11th Young Symposium in Operational Research Society, Cambridge, United Kingdom
V.M. Padron
An Adaptive Controller of a Climbing Robot
2nd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR'99, Portsmouth, UK
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim
Path planning strategy of autonomous climbing robot for inspection applications in construction
16th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC?99), Madrid, Spain
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim
ROMA: A Climbing Robot for Inspection Operations
International Conference on Robotics & Automation, ICRA'99, Detroit, USA
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim
Design and path-planning for a climbing robot able to travel along 3D metallic structures
First International Symposium on Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR'98, Brussels, Belgium
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez M. Abderrahim

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