Automatic modular buildings assembly



Europe is facing a fast growing need for affordable, high quality housing, which can not be solved by means of traditional or conventional building technology and its associated methods of construction. One of the solutions to this problem is the application of high quality modular construction. This construction technology states building process as the assembly of pre-fabricated modules i.e. initially a modular design of the construction project is obtained, then these modules are produced in a factory, and finally, they are assembled on the construction site. The use of pre-fabrication leads to the following advantages: a) structuring of the construction process allows to apply automation and robotics and to apply computer integrated construction methods (Computer-Aided Design, Planning, Control and Supervision tools), b) reduction of the health risks of workers and improving their working conditions, c)increasing building process predictability (building process is less affected by weather conditions, there is a greater control on materials use and supply) and d) decreasing waste and increasing productivity.

Flexible Field Factory for Construction Industry
Assembly Automation. num. 2 , vol. 33 , pages: 175 – 183 , 2013
S. Martinez A. Jardon Juan G. Victores
Building industrialization: robotized assembly of modular products
Assembly Automation- Emerald Group Publishing Ltd . num. 2 , vol. 28 , pages: 134 – 142 , 2008
S. Martinez A. Jardon
A mechatronics security system for the construction site
Automation in Construction. num. 4 , vol. 14 , pages: 461 – 467 , 2005
M. Abderrahim
FutureHome: An integrated construction automation approach
IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine. num. 1 , vol. 9 , pages: 55 – 66 , 2002
M. Abderrahim
Robotics and automation in construction
IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine. num. 1 , vol. 9 , pages: 4 – 6 , 2002
C. Balaguer M. Abderrahim
Computer-aided architectural design oriented to robotized facade panels manufacturing
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. num. 3 , vol. 16 , pages: 216 – 227 , 2001
Robot assembly system for computer-integrated construction
Automation in Construction. num. 5 , vol. 9 , pages: 479 – 487 , 2000

Robotics and Automation in Construction industry: From hard to soft robotics
3rd IARP Workshop on Service, Assistive and Personal Robots, Madrid, Spain
EU FutureHome project results Lugar de celebración: (Holanda)
20th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction (ISARC?2003), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The design and Development of an Automatic Construction Crane
18th IAARC/IFAC/IEEE International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2001), 2001, Warsaw, Poland
V.M. Padron A. Gimenez S. Garrido M. Abderrahim
Título del artículo: Design of a gripping system for the automated assembly of large building
17th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC?00), Taipei, Taiwan
M. Abderrahim
Open issues and future possibilities in the EU construction
17th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC?00), Taipei, Taiwan
A robotic system for automated masonry
16th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC?99), Madrid, Spain
A robotic system for block assembly in construction
2nd IARP Workshop on Service and Personal Robots, Genoa, Italy
Hierarchical control architecture for large range robots with static deflection
5th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO?97), Nants, France
Computer-aided methodology for design of robots in construction industry applications
14th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC?97), Pittsburgh, USA
Robot assembly system for the construction process automation
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA?97), Albuquerque, USA
M. Rivero

Robotics and Automation in Construction
IN-TEH , ISBN: 978-953-7619-13, 2008
M. Abderrahim

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