Flexible mechatronic assistive technology system to support persons with special needs in all their living and working environments

Main researcher: C. Balaguer



The MATS robot has brought a highly innovative approach to the construction of service robots. The MATS robot can be adapted to different living environments and even move around the home using a flipping action. It can, for example, clamber around a house from room to room or even to another floor, and it is light enough for wheelchair users to move around while it is anchored to the chair.

The home in question, in keeping with the concept of environmental intelligence, must be equipped with a simple docking system that serves exclusively to feed the robot. The robot uses these docking stations to ?move? from one place to another, for example, from the living room wall to the wheelchair, or from the wheelchair to a kitchen top. The MATS robot can undertake a large range of household tasks, like feeding, bringing glasses, shaving, applying make-up, cleaning teeth, etc.

The MATS robot: Service Climbing Robot for Personal Assistance
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. num. 1 , vol. 13 , pages: 51 – 58 , 2006
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Robots applications against gravity
IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine. num. 1 , vol. 13 , pages: 5 – 6 , 2006

Human-Robot Coexistence in Robot-Aided Apartment
The 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2006), Tokyo, Japan
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
Optimized design of the underactuated robotic hand
ICRA 06. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, United States
R. Cabas
Asibot, robot de asistencia a discapacitados y personas mayores
drt4ALL. Congreso Internacional sobre Domótica, Robótica y Teleasistencia, Madrid, Spain
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
A portable light-weight climbing robot for personal assistance applications
8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (Clawar'05). ?The Best Paper Award?, London, UK
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Live experimentation of the service robot applicationselderly people care in home environments
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2005), Edmonton, Canada
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Design and development of a light weight embodied robotic hand activated with only one actuators
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2005), Edmonton, Canada
R. Cabas
Wireless Teleoperation of an Assistive Robot by PDA
The 1st IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications In Automation and Robotics, 2004, Helsinki, Finland
R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Service robot applications for elederly people care in home environments
2nd International workshop on advances in service robotics, Sttugart, Germany
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
The MATS robotic system to assist disableb people in their home environments
Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'03, Las Vegas, USA
A. Gimenez
Light weight autonomous service robot for disable and elderly people help in their living environment
Procedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2003), Coimbra, Portugal
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Light weight autonomous robot for elderly and disabled persons’ service
4th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, Yamanashi, Japan
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez P. Staroverov A. Jardon
MATS: An assistive robotic climbing system for personal care & service applications
1st Internatinal Workshop on advances in service robotics, Bardolino, Italy
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
MATS: An assistive robotic climbing system for personal care & service applications.
1st Internatinal Workshop on advances in service robotics, 2003, Bardolino, Italy
A. Gimenez A. Jardon

M. Ferre, M. Buss, C. Melchiorri (Editors). Advances in Telerobotics
pages: 1 – 500. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), vol. 31 , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2007
chapter: Proprio & Teleoperation of a robotic system for disabled people assistance in domestic environments <a target="_blank" href="">[online]</a> pages: 325 – 338. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), vol. 31 SPRINGER NETHERLANDS EDITORIAL , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2007
R. Correal A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
M. Ferre, M. Buss, C. Melchiorri. Advances in Telerobotics
chapter: Introduction to Advances in Telerobotics pages: 1 – 10. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), vol. 31 , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2007

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