Robotic inspection of the health personnel ́s protective suits for the treatment of patients in extreme isolation including Ebola

Main researcher: C. Balaguer

Ebola web


Highly contagious diseases are treated by very strict procedures of WHO. In the case of Ebola, which have a fatality rate that can reach 90%, both patients and medical staff should follow a much more strict protocol which in some phases is undefined. One of the most delicate tasks is the removal of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the changing room after visiting the ill. It may be, as has been so sadly, that the suit is broken and/or contaminated with traces of blood, vomit, urine and, in general, various fluids.

Precisely for this reason the objective of the project is to develop robotic technologies to ensure the integrity of the protective clothing of health workers treating Ebola.

Source code at GitHub: