Visual tracking & servoing


Visual tracking of objects is one the several capabilities that have the human beings. Even though it is performing in an unconscious way, it is tightly linked with many of the tasks we do.
At the present time, introducing these capabilities in artificial visual systems is one of the most interesting areas to research in computer vision and robotics.
Our effort is focused in the development of algorithms and techniques that allows an automatic adaptation of visual systems to changing environments.
With the purpose of making a complete vision-based control system, it is necessary to integrate several research areas such as visual matching, visual tracking and visual servoing.
The first step towards this integration consists of the use of model vision-based control techniques. These techniques have been designed to control a robot with respect to objects of any shape. Indeed, the system proposed have been designed for positioning a robot by tracking specific visual features (e.g. interest points, straight lines, contours).

A new approach to modelling emotions and their use on a decision making system for artificial agent
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing . num. 1 , vol. 3 , pages: 56 – 68 , 2012
M. Malfaz M.A. Salichs
Tracking moving optima using Kalman-based predictions
Evolutionary Computation (ISSN: 1063-6560). num. 1 , vol. 16 , pages: 1 – 38 , 2008
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Pose Estimation for Variable Configuration Objects:an Evolutionary Approach to Vision-based Navigation and Inspection
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications. num. 3 , vol. 3 , pages: 538 – 545 , 2006
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Visual Approach Skill for a Mobile Robot using Learning and Fusion of Simple Skills
Robotics and Autonomous Systems. num. 3 , vol. 38 , pages: 157 – 170 , 2002
R. Barber M.A. Salichs

Mechatronics Testbed for Vision based Navigation
9th Mechatronics Forum International Conference (Mechatronics2004), 2004, Ankara, Turkey
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim M.A. Salichs
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Model-Based Pose Estimation and Tracking
The International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2005), 2005, Glasgow, UK
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Traffic Sign Recognition for Autonomous Vehicles
International symposium on Advanced Transportation Applications, 1994, Aachen, Germany
L. Moreno M.A. Salichs
A control System Based on Reactive Skills for Autonomous Mobile Robots
The 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 2003, Coimbra, Portugal
R. Barber M.A. Salichs
A Perception System based on Laser Information for Mobile Robot Topologic Navigation
IEEE Int. Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, 2002, Sevilla, Spain
R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Visual Tracking Skill Reinforcement Learning for a Mobile Robot
IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, 2002, Sapporo, Japan
M.A. Salichs
Detección y Clasificación de señales de tráfico mediante redes neuronales
4º Congreso de la Asociación Española de Robótica, Zaragoza, Spain
L. Moreno M.A. Salichs
Percepción de Carreteras y Detección de Señales de Tráfico
XVI Jornadas de Automática, 1995, San Sebastian, Spain
L. Moreno M.A. Salichs
Adaptive control of a DC motor for educational practices
ACE2013 The 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education , 2013, Sheffield, UK
S. Garrido R. Barber
Object Reconstruction and Recognition leveraging an RGB-D camera.
In proceedings Twelfth IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, -,
N. Burrus J.G. Bueno M. Abderrahim L. Moreno
Assistive robots dependability in domestic environment: the ASIBOT kitchen test bed
IARP-IEEE/RAS-EURON Joint Workshop on Shared Control for Robotic Ultra-operations, San Diego, California, Oct 28-30, 2007, 2007, San Diego, CA, EEUU
A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
Modified SoftPOSIT algorithm for 3D visual tracking
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP'2007), 2007, Alcala Henares, Spain
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Visual Inspection System for Autonomous Robotic On-Orbit Satellite Servicing
ASTRA2006: 9th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, 2006, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Automated Visual Inspection for Robotic On-Orbit Servicing
MX2006: The 10th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference, 2006, Malvern, Pennsy, USA
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Evolutionary Model-Based Pose Estimation for Variable Configuration Objects
ISPRA 2006: 5th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation, 2006, Alcala Henares, Spain
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Satellite Relative Navigation Based on Visual Feedback
i-SAIRAS2005: 8th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, 2005, Münich, Germany
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim M.A. Salichs
EvoPose: A Model-based Pose Estimation Algorithmwith Correspondences Determination
IEEE InternationalConference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2005), 2005, Niagara Falls,, Canada
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim
Experimental Simulation of Satellite Relative Navigation using Computer Vision
RAST2005: 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim M.A. Salichs

Grasping in Robotics
chapter: A survey on different control techniques for grasping pages: 223 – 246. SPRINGER NETHERLANDS EDITORIAL , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2013
R. Cabas A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
Seguimiento e identificación de objetos
chapter: Estimación de la posición y la orientación de objetos 3D basado en modelación geométrica pages: 1 – 8. A. Grau, A. Sanfeliu et al. (UPC, Servicio de Publicaciones) , ISBN: 84-7653-849-9, 2004
J.C. Diaz M. Abderrahim M.A. Salichs

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