Control of assistive robots



The assistance of disabled, elderly and persons with
special needs become to be one of the most important service applications of the
robotic systems in the near future. Humans care and service
demands an innovative robotic solution to make easier the day-life
of these people in home, workplace and
institutional care
environments. In this way the quality of life
of the important part of population improves toward their social

During the last years the
rehabilitation technology
is developing towards more flexible and
adaptable robotic systems. These robots aim at supporting disable
and elderly people with special needs in their home environment. Furthermore,
most advanced countries are becoming to be aging societies, and the percentage
of people with special needs is already significant and due to grow. There have
been very interesting developments in this field, such as Paro (K.
Wada, 2002), a robot which provide psychological and social effects to human
beings, or Dexter (L. Zollo,2001) and RAID (G.
Bolmsjo, 1995), which are mounted on a wheelchair and helps in welfare tasks to
the disable people. Another interesting robots is Handy 1
(Topping, 2002) and MANUS (Kwee, 1997). These systems are a
commercially available robotic system capable of assisting the most severely
disabled people in self-feeding, and personal hygiene tasks. 

Along this road, the
MATS robot is a robotic system that can climb the
different planes of the environment (wall, table, bath,…) in order to perform
numerous personal care and service applications such
as kitchen plates and cup manipulation, toothbrush and toothpaste coordinated
manipulation in the bathroom and entertainment games in the living room.

Usability assessment of ASIBOT: a portable robot to aid patients with spinal cord injury
Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. , pages: 1 – 11 , 2010
A. Jardon C.A. Monje A. Gil A. Peña
The MATS robot: Service Climbing Robot for Personal Assistance
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. num. 1 , vol. 13 , pages: 51 – 58 , 2006
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Robots applications against gravity
IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine. num. 1 , vol. 13 , pages: 5 – 6 , 2006

Benchmarking Shared Control for Assistive Manipulators: From Controllability to the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012), 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal
M.F. Stoelen F. Bonsignorio A. Jardon
Experimental evaluation of assistive robots in virtual domestic scenarios
International Symposium for Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC/Gerontechnology 2012). Vol. 11. Num. 2, 2012, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
A. Jardon Juan G. Victores M.F. Stoelen S. Martinez
Methodologies for Experimental Evaluation of Assistive Robotics HRI
M.F. Stoelen A. Jardon V. Tejada Juan G. Victores S. Martinez F. Bonsignorio
An information-theoretic approach to modeling and quantifying assistive robotics HRI
Late Breaking Report, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI), Lausanne, Switzerland
M.F. Stoelen F. Bonsignorio A. Jardon
Assistive robots dependability in domestic environment: the ASIBOT kitchen test bed
IARP-IEEE/RAS-EURON Joint Workshop on Shared Control for Robotic Ultra-operations, San Diego, California, Oct 28-30, 2007, 2007, San Diego, CA, EEUU
A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
A. I. de la Peña González, A. M. Gil Agudo, Functional Evaluation of ASIBOT, a Portable Robot to Aid Disabled Persons
In Proceedings II International Congress on Domotics, Robotics and Remote‐Assistance for All DRT4all 2007, 2007, Madrid, SPAIN
A. Jardon
Live experimentation of the service robot applicationselderly people care in home environments
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2005), Edmonton, Canada
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Wireless Teleoperation of an Assistive Robot by PDA
The 1st IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications In Automation and Robotics, 2004, Helsinki, Finland
R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon

Progress in Robotics. Communications in Computer and Information Science 44
chapter: Infrared Remote Control with a Social Robot pages: 86 – 95. Springer , ISBN: 978-3-642-03985, 2009
A. Castro-Gonzalez M.A. Salichs
M. Ferre, M. Buss, C. Melchiorri. Advances in Telerobotics
chapter: Introduction to Advances in Telerobotics pages: 1 – 10. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), vol. 31 , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2007


Robot types & applications