Robots Asistentes

Durante los últimos años, la tecnología de rehabilitación se está desarrollando hacia sistemas robóticos más flexibles y adaptables. Estos robots tienen como objetivo apoyar a las personas discapacitadas y ancianas con necesidades especiales en su entorno doméstico. Además, la mayoría de los países avanzados están convirtiéndose en sociedades envejecidas, y el porcentaje de personas con necesidades especiales ya es significativo y se espera que aumente.

Desde el año 2000, el Laboratorio de Robótica está involucrado en diversos proyectos relacionados con el aumento de la calidad de vida en diferentes sectores sociales. Algunos de ellos se centran en el diseño y desarrollo de robots de servicio y humanoides, mientras que otros se enfocan en la comunicación oral, interfaces hombre-máquina basadas en comportamientos emocionales y reconocimiento visual de objetos.


Robots applications against gravity
IEEE Robotics & Automation magazine. num. 1 , vol. 13 , pages: 5 – 6 , 2006
Diseño y simulación de un actuador de rigidez variable
Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica: Revista de la Asociación Española de Ingeniería Mecánica; ISSN: 0212-5072. num. 18 , vol. 1 , pages: 154 – 161 , 2012
A. Gimenez A. Jardon López, J. García, D.
Maggie: A Social Robot as a Gaming Platform
International Journal of Social Robotics. num. 4 , vol. 3 , pages: 371 – 381 , 2011
A. Ramey V. Gonzalez Pacheco F. Alonso A. Castro-Gonzalez M.A. Salichs
Personal Autonomy Rehabilitation in Home Environments by a Portable Assistive Robot
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.. num. 2 , vol. 42 , pages: 561 – 570 , 2011
A. Jardon Juan G. Victores S. Martinez A. Gimenez
Task-Oriented Kinematic Design of a Symmetric Assistive Climbing Robot
Short paper, IEEE Transactions on Robotics. num. 6 , vol. 27 , pages: 1132 – 1137 , 2011
M.F. Stoelen F. Bonsignorio A. Jardon
Assessment of Fitts’ Law for Quantifying Combined Rotational and Translational Movements
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. num. 1 , vol. 52 , pages: 63 – 77 , 2010
M.F. Stoelen
Usability assessment of ASIBOT: a portable robot to aid patients with spinal cord injury
Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. , pages: 1 – 11 , 2010
A. Jardon C.A. Monje A. Gil A. Peña
Metodología de diseño óptimo para la construcción de robots de servicio.
Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica, ESPAÑA.. num. 1 , vol. 2 , pages: 1041 – 1046 , 2008
A. Gimenez A. Jardon Rubio, H. García Prada, A. Castejón, C.
The MATS robot: Service Climbing Robot for Personal Assistance
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. num. 1 , vol. 13 , pages: 51 – 58 , 2006
A. Gimenez A. Jardon

MATS: An assistive robotic climbing system for personal care & service applications
1st Internatinal Workshop on advances in service robotics, Bardolino, Italy
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
A portable light-weight climbing robot for personal assistance applications
8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (Clawar'05). ?The Best Paper Award?, London, UK
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Integrated system of assisted mechatronic design for oriented computer to automatic optimising of structure of service robots (SIDEMAR)
Analysis of the direct and inverse kinematics of ROMA II robot. 8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (Clawar'05), London, UK
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Service robot applications for elederly people care in home environments
2nd International workshop on advances in service robotics, Sttugart, Germany
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Assistive robots dependability in domestic environment: the ASIBOT kitchen test bed
IARP-IEEE/RAS-EURON Joint Workshop on Shared Control for Robotic Ultra-operations, San Diego, California, Oct 28-30, 2007, 2007, San Diego, CA, EEUU
A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
The MATS robotic system to assist disableb people in their home environments
Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'03, Las Vegas, USA
A. Gimenez
Wireless Teleoperation of an Assistive Robot by PDA
The 1st IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications In Automation and Robotics, 2004, Helsinki, Finland
R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Live experimentation of the service robot applicationselderly people care in home environments
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2005), Edmonton, Canada
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Design and development of a light weight embodied robotic hand activated with only one actuators
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'2005), Edmonton, Canada
R. Cabas
Light weight autonomous service robot for disable and elderly people help in their living environment
Procedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2003), Coimbra, Portugal
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
A. De Santis, B. Siciliano, The Virtual End-Effectors approach for Human-Robot Interaction
10th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia
P. Pierro
Human-Robot Coexistence in Robot-Aided Apartment
The 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2006), Tokyo, Japan
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
Asibot, robot de asistencia a discapacitados y personas mayores
drt4ALL. Congreso Internacional sobre Domótica, Robótica y Teleasistencia, Madrid, Spain
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez A. Jardon
A. I. de la Peña González, A. M. Gil Agudo, Functional Evaluation of ASIBOT, a Portable Robot to Aid Disabled Persons
In Proceedings II International Congress on Domotics, Robotics and Remote‐Assistance for All DRT4all 2007, 2007, Madrid, SPAIN
A. Jardon
Light weight autonomous robot for elderly and disabled persons’ service
4th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, Yamanashi, Japan
R. Cabas R. Correal A. Gimenez P. Staroverov A. Jardon
Lightweight Magnetorheological Based Clutch Actuator for quick response times
13th International Conference on New Actuators & 7th Exhibition on Samrt Actuators and Drive Systems., Bremen, Germany
A. Flores D. Copaci D. Blanco L. Moreno
Experimental evaluation of assistive robots in virtual domestic scenarios
International Symposium for Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC/Gerontechnology 2012). Vol. 11. Num. 2, 2012, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
A. Jardon Juan G. Victores M.F. Stoelen S. Martinez
Smooth and Accurate control of multiple Shape Memory Alloys based actuators via low cost embedded hardware.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IROS 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal
A. Flores D. Copaci D. Blanco L. Moreno
Hebb-like Learning for the Grounding of High-Level Symbols in Sensorimotor Trajectories
Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
M.F. Stoelen F. Bonsignorio
Elbow Functional Compensation using a Lightweight MagnetorheologicalClutch.
Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Boston, MassachusettsUSA, 5215-5218., -,
A. Flores D. Copaci D. Blanco L. Moreno
Sensorless Friction and Gravity Compensation
IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2014), 2014, Madrid, Spain
S. Morante Juan G. Victores S. Martinez
Adaptive Collision-Limitation Behavior for an Assistive Manipulator
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013, Tokyo, Japan
Infrared Remote Control with a Social Robot
FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009. International Conference on Social Robotics (, 2009, Incheon, Korea
A. Castro-Gonzalez M.A. Salichs
Dispositivo inalámbrico para facilitar el acceso al ordenador.
Congreso Internacional sobre Domótica, Robótica y Teleasistencia para Todos DRT4LL 2009, 2009, Barcelona, SPAIN
S. Martinez A. Jardon
An information-theoretic approach to modeling and quantifying assistive robotics HRI
Late Breaking Report, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI), Lausanne, Switzerland
M.F. Stoelen F. Bonsignorio A. Jardon
Information Metrics for Assistive Human-In-The-Loop Cognitive Systems
Workshop on Good Experimental Methodology in Robotics and Replicable Robotics Research, Robotics Science and Systems (RSS), 2010, Zaragoza, Spain
M.F. Stoelen A. Jardon Juan G. Victores F. Bonsignorio
Towards an Enabling Multimodal Interface for an Assistive Robot
Workshop on Mutimodal Human-Robot Interfaces, IEEE InternationalConference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010, Anchorage, AK, USA
M.F. Stoelen A. Jardon F. Bonsignorio Juan G. Victores C.A. Monje
Diseño Preliminar de Interfaces de Realidad Aumentada para el Robot Asistencial ASIBOT
V Congreso Internacional de Diseño, Redes de Investigación y Tecnología para todos (DRT4ALL), 2013, MADRID, Spain
F. Rodriguez Juan G. Victores A. Jardon
Benchmarking Shared Control for Assistive Manipulators: From Controllability to the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012), 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal
M.F. Stoelen F. Bonsignorio A. Jardon
SULTAN: Simultaneous User Learning and Task Execution, and its Application in Assistive Robotics
Workshop on New and Emerging Technologies in Assistive Robotics at IROS 2011., 2011, San Francisco, United States
A. Jardon C.A. Monje F. Bonsignorio M.F. Stoelen S. Martinez Juan G. Victores

ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference, Advances in Robotics, Vol.1, Part III
chapter: Assistive Robot Multi-modal Interaction with Augmented 3D Vision and Dialogue pages: 209 – 217. Springer International Publishing Madrid (Spain) , ISBN: 9783319034126, 2014
Juan G. Victores F. Rodriguez S. Morante A. Jardon
Grasping in Robotics
chapter: A survey on different control techniques for grasping pages: 223 – 246. SPRINGER NETHERLANDS EDITORIAL , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2013
R. Cabas A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
Progress in Robotics. Communications in Computer and Information Science 44
chapter: Infrared Remote Control with a Social Robot pages: 86 – 95. Springer , ISBN: 978-3-642-03985, 2009
A. Castro-Gonzalez M.A. Salichs
M. Ferre, M. Buss, C. Melchiorri (Editors). Advances in Telerobotics
pages: 1 – 500. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), vol. 31 , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2007
chapter: Proprio & Teleoperation of a robotic system for disabled people assistance in domestic environments <a target="_blank" href="">[online]</a> pages: 325 – 338. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), vol. 31 SPRINGER NETHERLANDS EDITORIAL , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2007
R. Correal A. Gimenez S. Martinez A. Jardon
M. Ferre, M. Buss, C. Melchiorri. Advances in Telerobotics
chapter: Introduction to Advances in Telerobotics pages: 1 – 10. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), vol. 31 , ISBN: 978-3-540-71363, 2007
A. Gimenez A. Jardon
Towards Objective Assessment of Upper Limb Spasticity by Means of Collaborative Robots
chapter: Towards Objective Assessment of Upper Limb Spasticity by Means of Collaborative Robots pages: 463 – 467. Springer International Publishing Cham , ISBN: 978-3-030-70315-8, 2021
E. D. Oña A. Casanova A. Jardon Anaelle Gordillo


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