» R. Barber

Imagen 1
Telephone: 34 91 624 87 92
Welcome to Ramón Barber’s web page. Within the Robotics Lab research group at the System Engineering and Automation Department. Research activities My current research efforts focus on the following fields: Mobile robot navigation
  • Geometrical navigation
  • Topological navigation
  • Semantic navigation
Teaching technologies
  • Control engineering labs
  • Remote labs
  • Robotics labs
Member of the Network of Collaborative Virtual and Remotes Labs Academic activities At an academic level, I am currently involved in teaching the following subjects: Control engineering Industrial automation Production systems engineering and automation Industrial computing Mobile robots University-Enterprise activities In the industrial aplications field, my main collaboratios are: With the automobile industry through PSA. With the aerospace industry through EADS With the energy industry through Diagnostica



Robot Navigation

Monitoring and Control of Mechatronics Devices