Topological and Semantic Navigation



AURON (Autonomous Robot Navigation) is considered a complete navigation system formed by the interaction of four main components: the explorer, the planner, the navigator and the relocalizator.
Each component has its own mission and interacts with the others giving autonomy to the robot. The explorer is in charge of generating without human intervention the representation of the environment navigating through unknown places and obtaining information. The planner gives the sequence of actions and detected events to go from one place to another once the robot has its own representation. The navigator converts the sequence obtained by the planner in real movements and supervises all the process and finally, the relocalizator allows placing the robot again in the representation of the environment once it is lost.
The environment representation is an essential part of the system as it is used by all the other components. This representation includes semantic information.




People working

  • Ramón Barber
  • Jonathan Crespo
  • Carlos José Astua
  • Higor Alves

People who started the research line

  • Miguel Ángel Salichs
  • Verónica Egido
  • Ana Corrales

Signage system for the navigation of autonomous robots in indoor environments
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. num. 1 , vol. 10 , pages: 680 – 688 , 2014
A. Corrales M. Malfaz M.A. Salichs
Symbolic Place Recognition in Voronoi-based maps by Using Hidden Markov Models
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. , vol. 39 , pages: 173 – 197 , 2004
L. Moreno D. Blanco
Navigation of Mobile Robots: Open Questions
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L. Moreno M.A. Salichs

An Android Interface for an Arduino Based Robot for Teaching in Robotics
6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation , 2013, Sevilla, Spain
J. Crespo R. Barber
Extended range guidance system for micro-tunnelling machine
International Symposium for Automation and Robotics in Construction 2012 (ISARC/Gerontechnology 2012). Vol. 11. Num. 2, 2012, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
A. Jardon S. Martinez Juan G. Victores
Use of RFID technology on a mobile robot fortopological navigation tasks
IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, 2011, Sitges, Spain
A. Corrales M.A. Salichs
Autonomous Monitoring And Reaction To Failures In A Topological Navigation System
2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2005, Barcelona, Spain
V. Egido R. Barber M.A. Salichs
A Door Lintel Locator Sensor for Mobile Robot Topological Navigation
IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria
V. Egido R. Barber M.A. Salichs
A Planner For Topological Navigation Based On Previous Experiences
The 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, 2004, Lisboa, Portugal
V. Egido R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Sistema de Interacción Remota con Robots Móviles basado en Internet I
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A.M. Khamis R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Using learned visual landmarks for intelligent topological navigation of mobile robots
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan
M.A. Salichs
Corridor exploration in the EDN Navigation System
15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, 2002, Barcelona, Spain
V. Egido R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Learning Visual Landmarks for Mobile Robot Navigation
15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control. Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
M.A. Salichs
Self-Generation by a Mobile Robot of Topological Maps of Corridors
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2002, Washington, USA
V. Egido R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Event Maps
3rd International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, 2001, Helsinki, Filand
R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Visual Landmark Recognition
IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, 2002, Sapporo, Japan
M.A. Salichs
Algorithm of Topological Map Generation for the EDN Navigation System
IFAC Workshop on Mobile Robot Technology, 2001, Jejudo Island, Korea
V. Egido R. Barber M.A. Salichs
A Visual Landmark Recognition System for Topological Navigation of Mobile Robots
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2001, Seoul, Korea
M.A. Salichs
Navigation of Mobile Robots: Learning from Human Beings
Plenary Session. IFAC Workshop on Mobile Robot Tecnology, Jejudo Island, Korea
M.A. Salichs
An inferring semantic system based on relational models for mobile robotics
2015 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, 2015, Vila Real, Portugal
J. Crespo R. Barber O. M. Mozos
Detecting Objects for Indoor Monitoring and Surveillance for Mobile Robots
IEEE 2014 International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies, 2014, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
J. Crespo R. Barber C. Astua
ICERI2015, The 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation , 2015, Sevilla, Spain.
C. Gómez A. C. Hernández J. Crespo R. Barber
Object Classification in Natural Environments for Mobile Robot Navigation
IEEE, International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 16th edition, 2016, Braganza, Portugal
A. C. Hernández C. Gómez J. Crespo R. Barber
Integration of Multiple Events in a Topological Autonomous Navigation System
IEEE, International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 16th edition, 2016, Bragança, Portugal
C. Gómez A. C. Hernández J. Crespo R. Barber

Robots Sociales
chapter: Modelado semántico del entorno en robótica cognitiva. Aplicación en navegación. pages: 145 – 166. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid , ISBN: 978-84-695-7212, 2013
J. Crespo R. Barber
The Industrial Electronics Handbook. Control and Mechatronics
chapter: 39. Mobile Robots pages: 1 – 13. CRC Press , ISBN: 978-1-4398-0287, 2011
M. Malfaz R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Progress in Robotics.
chapter: Integration of a RFID System in a Social Robot. pages: 66 – 73. Springer Berlin Heidelberg , ISBN: 978-3-642-03986, 1999
A. Corrales M.A. Salichs
RoboCity16 Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics
chapter: Object Perception applied to Daily Life Environments for Mobile Robot Navigation pages: 105 – 112. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid, España , ISBN: 978-84-608-8452-1, 2016
A. C. Hernández C. Gómez J. Crespo R. Barber
RoboCity16 Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics
chapter: A Topological Navigation System based on Multiple Events for Usual Human Environments Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid, España , ISBN: 978-84-608-8452-1, 2016
C. Gómez A. C. Hernández J. Crespo R. Barber

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