Unmanned Traffic Management 4D Path Planning Technologies for Drone Swarm to Enhance Safety and Security in Transport

Main researcher: L. Moreno



The main objective of the project is to create and validate new swarm drone applications to enhance safety, security and efficiency in the civil system transport, through the research and development of drone swarming 4D (3 spatial dimensions + time) path-planning algorithms -for implementation in Ground Control Stations- and new U-space services (drone swarm deconfliction and flight planning) supporting drone swarms auto-guidance.

With the development of these technologies and the validation of vertical use cases in collaboration with end-users and transport regulatory authorities, it is expected to give rise to applications capable of revolutionizing civil transport and speeding-up regulatory changes that will allow their implementation in real situations in all the countries of the European Union.

In addition, LABYRINTH has the economic objective of increasing the competitiveness of the civil transport sector through a reduction in the cost of maintaining safety and managing transport (inspections, surveillance…), as well as reducing cost derived from accidents or other potential issues, creating new business models that may open drone industry to new markets, focusing on public or private entities in charge of regulate and/or manage transport infrastructures.

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