Innovative Educational Concepts for Autonomous and Teleoperated Systems



An International Teaching Laboratory for Experiments controlled over the Internet,
addressing “Mechatronics” (mechanical, electronics and informatics)and
“Telematics” (telecommunications and informatics) systems.

Partner Institutions:

  • University of
    Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany
  • University of
    Siegen, Germany
  • Helsinki
    University of Technology, Automation Technology Laboratory, Finland
  • Universidad
    Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
  • Ohio
    University, Athens Ohio, USA
  • University of
    Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
  • Utah State
    University, Logan, Utah, USA

This UC3M system was a tele-education system, which used to learn the systematic knowledge of indoor mobile robotics.

Remote Interaction with Mobile Robots
Autonomous Robots. num. 3 , vol. 15 , pages: 267 – 281 , 2003
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
Software Architecture for Internet Mobile Robotics
Robotics and Machine Perception. SPIE. num. 1 , vol. 12 , pages: 7 – 11 , 2003
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs

Sistema de Interacción Remota con Robots Móviles basado en Internet I
I Jornadas de Trabajo: Educación en Automática. DocenWeb: Red Temática de Docencia en Control mediante Web, 2004, Alicante, Spain
A.M. Khamis R. Barber M.A. Salichs
Sistema de Interaccion Remota conRobots Moviles via Internet
II Jornadas de Redes de Investigaci¶on en Docencia Uni-versitaria, 2004, Alicante, Spain
M.A. Salichs
Pattern-based Architecture for Building Mobile Robotics Remote Laboratories
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan
M. Rivero A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
Multiact Approach for Building Web-based Educational Environments: Mobile Robotics Course as a Case Study
The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'03, Rhodes, Greece
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
The Merging to eLearning in Mobile Robotics
15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control (b?02), Barcelona, Spain
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
Laboratorio a Distancia via Internet en Robotica Móvil
III Jornada de Trabajo – Enseñanza Vía Internet/Web de la Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática- EIWSA 2002, 2004, Alicante, Spain
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
Design of a Remote Laboratory on Mobile Robots
Internet-based Control Eduaction, IBCE01, Madrid, Spain
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
A Remote Laboratory for Teaching Mobile Robotics
IFAC Conference on Telematics Applications and Robotics (TA2001), 2001, Weingarten, Germany
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
Teaching Mobile Robotics to Anyone, Anywhere at Anytime
1st. EURON Workshop on Robotics Education and Training RET 2001, 2001, Weingarten, Germany
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs
Sensorial Data Acquisition Process for a Mobile Robot in the Virtual Laboratory
International Workshop in Teleeducation in Mechatronics based on Virtual Laboratories, 2001, Weingarten, Germany
A.M. Khamis M.A. Salichs

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