Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation.

Main researcher: M. Abderrahim



The HANDLE project aims at understanding how humans perform the manipulation of objects in order to replicate grasping and skilled in-hand movements with an anthropomorphic artificial hand, and thereby move robot grippers from current best practice towards more autonomous, natural and effective articulated hands. The project implies not only focusing on technological developments but also working with fundamental multidisciplinary research aspects in order to endow the robotic hand system with advanced perception capabilities, high level feedback control and elements of intelligence that allow recognition of objects and context, reasoning about actions and a high degree of recovery from failure during the execution of dexterous tasks.

Integrating findings from disciplines such as neuroscience, developmental psychology, cognitive science, robotics, multimodal perception and machine learning, the method we will develop is based on an original blend of learning and predicting behaviours from imitation and “babbling” to allow the robot to be capable of responding to gaps in its knowledge.

3D Object Reconstruction with a Single RGB-Depth Image
Accepted as full paper at the <A href="http://www.visapp.visigrapp.org/">International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2013)</A>, 2013, Barcelona, Spain
N. Burrus S. Rodriguez M. Abderrahim
Visual Perception System within HANDLE EU project using ROS
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012) Tutorial: Handling ROS – Introductory tutorial to ROS and its use for robot in-hand manipulation., Vila Moura, Alg, Portugal
S. Rodriguez
Object Pose Estimation and Tracking by Fusing Visual and Tactile Information
<A href="http://mfi-2012.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/">Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2012)</A>, 2012, Hamburg, Germany
N. Burrus S. Rodriguez M. Abderrahim
3D Visual Perception System for Grasping with an Anthropomorphic Hand
<A href="http://cogsys2012.acin.tuwien.ac.at/">5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys 2012)</A>, 2012, Vienna, Austria
N. Burrus S. Rodriguez J.G. Quijano C. Bensalah M. Abderrahim
Toward the sense of touch in snake modular robots for search and rescue operations.
In Proc of the ICRA 2010 workshop on modular robots: State of the art., 2010, Anchorage, Alaska
J.G. Quijano M. Abderrahim
Toward the sense of touch in snake modular robots for search and rescue operations
In Proc of the ICRA 2010 workshop on modular robots, Anchorage, Alaska
J.G. Quijano M. Abderrahim


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