International Virtual Laboratory on Mechatronics

Main researcher: M.A. Salichs




EU-India Economic Cross Cultural Programme (ECCP)

EU-India UC3M

The main contribution of our university in this project is to design and to develop a software architecture for remote experiments of localization and topological navigation, as well as the design of 2 experiments that investigators and students initiated in the area must accomplish; in order that they may get acquainted with the typical problems in these topics of mobil robotics, considering the delays that appear when it is tried to control the robot by Internet

Specific Objectives:

  1. Design and development the software architecture for the implementation of experiments at the virtual laboratory.
  2. Design and development of 2 experiments for the detection of topologic events at structured environments
  3. To introduce the algorithms in basic navigational skills and to observe the effectiveness and robustness during the navigation of a mobil robot.

Experiment 1: Door detection

The objective of this experiment is to analyze how a door is observed by a laser telemeter and to build an algorithm that detects the door from the data information.

The student will be able to move the robot in order to observe the image produced in the measurements of a laser telemeter in different places close to the door. With this information, the student must develop and test an algorithm that detects the door. Students will be able to have contact with real sensors and to notice the difficult of the information extraction from the sensor readings.

Partial objectives:

  1. To study how different environment objects is shown by the laser sensor.
  2. Notice how s door appears in laser readings.
  3. Be able to build and algorithms that detects a door in the laser readings.
  4. To valuate the robustness and the problems of door detectors algorithm.

Experiment 2: Navigation Task

The objective of this experiment is to use the door detector developed in the experiment 1 to perform a simple navigation task as move to a door and to cross it.

The student will be able place the robot in the environment close to a door in order to test door detector developed in the experiment 1. Different positions and different algorithms will be able to be tested.

Students will be able to have contact with real navigation problems attached to the sensorial system.

Partial objectives:

  1. To study the robutness or the algorithm in a real robot task.
  2. To study how the relative position of the robot affects to the navigation task.
  3. Think in solutions to avoid problems in the door proximity.

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