MOnarCH project awarded by European Comission

ICT 2015 Lisboa award
ICT 2015, the EU’s biggest digital research event, has put the spotlight on Europe’s most promising innovations, companies and projects.
The ICT 2015 exhibition featured over 100 best-in-class results of European ICT Research & Innovation. People attending the exhibition voted for the stand exhibiting the highest potential technology solution.
ICT 2015 participants also voted for the best stands in each one of the 3 exhibition themes. The winner of the Transform theme was Rockin Monarch, which showcased two projects developing robots to support humans in domestic and industrial tasks and also in hospitals.
MOnarCH 7FP project targets the development and demonstration of a team of mobile robots networked with other devices (i.e., a networked robot system, or NRS), such as video cameras, in the pediatric area of an oncological hospital, where they engage in health-improving edutainment activities with kids and staff.
MOnarCH has delivered fourteen MBOTs [1] currently being used for R&D activities by the project partners, including one robot permanently staying at the participating hospital, where it is frequently used in game-like interaction activities with the kids. Have a look at this nice video showing some of these activities . One successfully implemented game is the popular Flow Free, where kids and one MBOT cooperate to follow the game rules.
RoCKIn 7FP project (“Robot Competitions Kick Innovation in Cognitive Systems and Robotics”) which organises robot competitions that challenge researchers to develop robots to support humans in domestic and industrial tasks.