The activities of the collaborative project HANDLE (Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation) funded by the European Union has been launched on the second of February 2009. The Roboticslab of the University Carlos III de Madrid is part of the consortium led by the university Pierre et Marie Curie of Paris and formed by nine partners from six EU countries (France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Sweden). In addition to the collaboration in the R&D, the Roboticslab is responsible of the dissemination activities.
The HANDLE project aims at understanding how humans perform the manipulation of objects in order to imitate grasping and skilled in-hand movements with an anthropomorphic artificial hand, and thereby move robot grippers from current best practice towards more autonomous, natural and effective articulated hands.
HANDLE is a Large-Scale Integrated Project funded by the EU within the 7th framework programme. The overall project cost is approximately 8.1 MEUR of which 6.3 MEUR are the contribution of the EU.
For comments and more info contact: Mohamed Abderrahim