13th WorkShop RoboCity2030: EU projects by the consortium


RoboCity2030 promotes robotics science and technologies in numerous human-centred applications in metropolitan areas, as well as in country sites. The strong synergies created by the main partners and more than 20 associated partners, from industry, allow the development of dozens of innovative projects and knowledge transfer programs. Several results from these R&D activities have generated added-value products, technologies, software and services.

The excellence of the consortium is confirmed by the involvement with the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and Horizon 2020 programme and participation in a large number of European projects in the robotic field.

This workshop (Dic 11th) is focused on the results of the following EU projects:

·       MONARCH (http://monarch-fp7.eu)

·       TIRAMISU (http://www.fp7-tiramisu.eu)

·       STAMS (http://stams-rfcs.eu/)

·       ROBO-SPECT (http://www.robo-spect.eu/)

·       STAMAS (http://www.stamas.eu/)

·       CROPS (http://www.crops-robots.eu)

·       RHEA (http://www.rhea-project.eu/)

·       HEPHESTOS (http://www.hephestosproject.eu/)

·       COGWATCH (http://www.cogwatch.eu/)

More info and free registration at http://www.robocity2030.org/events/event/13th-robocity2030-workshop/.