Relational Model for Robotic Semantic Navigation in Indoor Environments

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The emergence of service robots in our environment raises the need to find systems that help the robots in the task of managing the information from human environments. A semantic model of the environment provides the robot with a representation closer to the human perception, and it improves its human-robot communication system. In addition, a semantic model will improve the capabilities of the robot to carry out high level navigation tasks. This paper presents a semantic relational model that includes conceptual and physical representation of objects and places, utilities of the objects, and semantic relation among objects and places. This model allows the robot to manage the environment and to make queries about the environment in order to do plans for navigation tasks. In addition, this model has several advantages such as conceptual simplicity and flexibility of adaptation to different environments. To test the performance of the proposed semantic model, the output for the semantic inference system is associate to the geometric and topological information of objects and places in order to do the navigation tasks.