A Hardware-Software Approach for Design and Control of Mechatronics Devices

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This paper presents an integration of
hardware-software approach for the design and control in real time for
mechatronics systems using low cost hardware, but with high performance. The
proposed tools allow both working without in production phase as in simulation
phase, being a useful tool for the design of mechatronics devices. For this
purpose Rapid Control Prototyping using a Model Based Design with high
abstraction programming level capabilities have been used. This model provides
to the user a fast coding and testing environment and ensures a critical safety
compliant low cost embedded controller, according to SIL directives. For the
software prototyping it has been used the developed tool and Simulink Code Generator,
which is a tool widely used in engineering which allows the integration with
other design and analysis high level software. The developed blocks optimize
the code that is embedded in the controllers, improving the chances of
microcontrollers compared to other solutions. As experimental platform a
robotic prototype designed to the analysis of service robots have been used,
which integrate design, analysis and control phases. The proposed system allows
to test the controller both in simulation and real hardware in a coordinate
way. Validation tests are carried out in a robotic prototype designed to the
analysis of service robots have been used, which integrate design, analysis and
control phases.