Fractional Control of a Humanoid Robot Reduced Model with Model Disturbances

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There is an open discussion between those who defend mass-distributed models for humanoid robots and those in favor of simple concentrated models. Even though each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, little research has been conducted analyzing the control performance due to the mismatch between the model and the real robot, and how the simplifications affect the controller’s output. In this article we address this problem by combining a reduced model of the humanoid robot, which has an easier mathematical formulation and implementation, with a fractional order controller, which is robust to changes in the model parameters. This controller is a generalization of the well-known proportional–integral–derivative (PID) structure obtained from the application of Fractional Calculus for control, as will be discussed in this article. This control strategy guarantees the robustness of the system, minimizing the effects from the assumption that the robot has a simple mass distribution. The humanoid robot is modeled and identified as a triple inverted pendulum and, using a gain scheduling strategy, the performances of a classical PID controller and a fractional order PID controller are compared, tuning the controller parameters with a genetic algorithm.