Effectiveness of Serious Games for Leap Motion on the Functionality of the Upper Limb in Parkinson’s Disease: A Feasibility Study

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In this paper, the design and application of Serious Games (SG) based on the Leap Motion sensor are presented, as a tool to support the rehabilitation therapies for upper limbs. Initially, the design principles and its implementation are described, focusing on improving both unilateral and bilateral manual dexterity and coordination. The design of the games has been supervised by specialized therapists. To assess the therapeutic effectiveness of the proposed system, a protocol of trials with Parkinson’s patients has been defined. Evaluations of the physical condition of the participants in the study, at the beginning and at the end of the treatment, are carried out using standard tests. The specific measurements of each game gives the therapist a more detailed information about the patients’ evolution after finishing the planned protocol. The obtained results supports that the set of developed video games can be combined to define different therapy protocols, and that the information obtained is richer than the one obtained through current clinical metrics, serving as method of motor function assessment.