ASIBOT Assistive Robot in a Domestic Environment


New mobile robotic devices are conquering homes. From automatic shades to motorized vacuum cleaning units, advanced technologies are progressively being introduced into real domestic home environments. Technology is no longer being introduced to simply serve information or environmental control. Dynamic and mobile elements are being introduced to perform “household chores” that require dexterous manipulation and advanced sensing and reasoning. This is a huge objective that implies great improvement and advances in current robotic technologies related to anytime availability, safety, and user satisfaction. From the point of view of dependability, the most complex part of a house is the kitchen, attending to the number of static-fixed task devices (white appliances). This is the proposed working scenario, to test the acceptance of a new modular type of robotic aids for handicapped. The ASIBOT-based Domestic Aided Kitchen is the adaptation of a handicapped-adapted kitchen for the operation of the portable climbing robot ASIBOT. This paper presents the first results of simulation of ASIBOT and derived synthesized models in a dynamic VR model of the kitchen, and the current state of investigation for ASIBOT2 and its full integration with the kitchen and user.