ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference, Advances in Robotics, Vol.2

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This paper presents a review of CEABOT, the unique humanoids competition for university students at Spain wide level. This annual competition started in 2006 and it has been celebrated during the last eight editions. Aimed at initiate graduate and master’s students in humanoid robotics, they have to program the sensor and motor skills of little humanoids built by themselves, or tune up a commercial kit. The challenge is to obtain the best platform able to complete a set of trials that are reviewed and renewed each year. In this paper, a review of similar contests, objectives and results will be discussed. A brief review of platforms and trials evolution will also allow presenting some key ideas for the promotion and future assurance of this initiative. Furthermore, a brief review of some didactic approaches experienced, and some insights about the future of this and similar contests that use robotic platforms to face similar goals will be presented.