» L.M. Cabas

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Telephone: +34 91-624-9970
E-mail: lcabas@ing.uc3m.es
I was born in Argentina and studied Mechanical Engineering at the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (2001), in Resistencia (Argentina). Now, I am an PHD Student of Electrical, Electronic and Automatics Engineer, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain and working like Research Assistant at the Robotics Lab.. My research interest includes design and development in humanoid robots. CURRICULUM VITAE 1 – ACADEMIC FORMATION:: 1986-1991: Escuela Nacional de Educación Técnica Nº 1. General Manuel Belgrano. (1º a 6º año). Titulo: Maestro Mayor de Obras University studies: (in Argentina) 1992-1993: Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA). L.U. Nº 34044. Ingreso anual y primer año. 1993-2001: Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE). L.U. Nº 7902. Titulo: Mechanical engineer. At the moment, I am making a Doctorate in Electrical, Electronic and Automatic Engineering, in the University Carlos III of Madrid. 2 – COMPLEMENTARY STUDIES: 2001.: Course of Designer Solar installer of Energy. Centro de Estudios de la Energía Solar (CENSOLAR) Academic file Nº 12-013141 3 – LABOR EXPERIENCE: Mechanical design: University Carlos III of Madrid (January/2002 – June/2006). Sector: Investigation. Position: Engineer of I+D. Area: I+D. Functions: Design, manufacture and selection the diverse components for the manufacture of a humanoide robot and its continuous update Vitrocor (February/1994 – December/2000): Sector: Glass, Ceramics. Position: Others – Direction, Management. Area: DIRECTION, MANAGEMENT. Functions: Handling of personnel, attention to the client 4 – COURSES: Optical fibers. Introduction to the optical communications. Made by Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Days 26 to the 30 of June of 1995. (30 hours) Control of corrosion in the industry and the construction. Made by the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Faculty of Engineering. Days 3 to the 13 of 1996 July Course of Microsoft Excel 97. Made by the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Faculty of Engineering, days 10 to the 25 of June of 1999 Course of Autodesk Autocad 14. Made by the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Faculty of Engineering, days 25 of August to the 15 of September of 1999. Domiciliary electrical systems. Made by the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Faculty of Engineering. Days 17 to the 20 of October of 2000. (10 hours clock). Control of corrosion in the industry and the construction. Made by the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Faculty of Engineering, in charge of days 3 to the 13 of 1996 July 5 – ATTENDANCE TO CONFERENCES AND CONGRESSES: Attendance to 1º Congress and Exhibition of Management, made in Buenos Aires days 27, 28 and 29 of October of 1998. With seminaries in charge of: Richard Whiteley, To put Arises, Edward Lower, etc. Attendance to 2º Congress and Exhibition of Management made in Buenos Aires days 27, 28 and 29 of October of 1999. With seminaries in charge of: Peter Drucker, Michael Porter, Edward de Bono, Nicholas Negroponte, Rudigier Dornbush, etc. 6 – LANGUAGES: English: 1983-1989: Cultural English 1990-1991: American 1992-1993: ICANA The examination of knowledge made in the University Carlos III of Madrid, gave like result: Lower middle level. Spanish: stop English: means 7 – KNOWLEDGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE: Due to my present work (design, selection and manufacture in robotics), use much progarmas of design of pieces and others. To mention some examples: 3D Studio: Basic level. Car CAD. Mean level. Catia. Mean level. CAD/CAM/FALLS. Mean level. Microsoft Office. Basic level.