» J.G. Bueno

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Telephone: 916248813
E-mail: jgbueno@ing.uc3m.es
My name is Jorge Garcia Bueno. I am a PhD Student in Robotics Lab under the supervision of Professor Luis Moreno. I am researching on a wide robotic areas such as computer vision, pattern recognition, path planning, optimization based on evolutive algorithms and intelligent control. I am performing some researches with a Time-Of-Flight camera for object’s extraction, object’s recognition and 3D modelling for online grasping. My background in the Department of Systems and Control in Glasgow University on face recognition algorithms helped me to step even more further! All this jobs will allow our mobile manipulator Manfred to pick up and handle unknown objects laying over a table. I have been invited to talk about my RGB-D integration system to NTUST (National Taiwan University of Sciences and Technology) and I have taken part of the 2nd BRICS Research Camp “”From robot sensing to 3D models””. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!