I am a PhD of the RoboticsLab research group at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. From this university, I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation in January 2020 and a Msc in Robotics and Automation with honors in 2014. I received my degree in Industrial Engineer at Carlos III University in 2012. I am also a Teaching Assistant in this university, specializing in industrial automation. My research focuses on the use of robots to improve quality of life in older people and the development of a cognitive stimulation program employing a social robot with patients who experience cognitive impairment. My work advances research into psycho-stimulation informatics programming, multimodal perceptual data gathering, and the networking of multiple devices employing the unique social expressivity of robots.
RoboticsLab is located at Leganes Campus of the Carlos III University of Madrid, about 10 kilometers south of central Madrid. Our offices are at the third floor of the Agustin de Betancourt building (marked 1 in the map).
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