Extending cognitive and sematic capabilities to outdoor robot navigation

Main researcher: R. Barber



The Navigation Systems of the robots have evolved from purely geometric concepts to semantic concepts, going through topological levels. Along literature, this trend is clearly reflected, being widely treated geometric and topological levels. However, the semantic level in most cases it stays in labelling of objects in the environment and it does not consider its full integration with other systems of the robot. The present proposal pretends to carry out research in this line, specifying the tasks of navigation of the robots and extending it to the case of autonomous vehicles driving through urban and interurban roads. The current proposal is focused on

  • Modeling of the environment: study of an ontology applied to navigation in structured outdoor environment.
  • Definition of an ontology that represents a structured environment for navigation in an outdoor environment, as in the case of urban roads.
  • Development of a system of inference that handles the semantic information of the environment, generating the required commands on the driving system of the vehicle according to the detected semantic situations. (Affordances based on situations).
  • Define and implement a learning mechanism that allows learning such actions upon detected situations.

ICERI2015, The 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation , 2015, Sevilla, Spain.
C. Gómez A. C. Hernández J. Crespo R. Barber
A Home Made Robotic Platform based on Theo Jansen Mechanism for Teaching Robotics
The 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2016, Valencia, Spain
A. C. Hernández C. Gómez J. Crespo R. Barber
Object Classification in Natural Environments for Mobile Robot Navigation
IEEE, International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 16th edition, 2016, Braganza, Portugal
A. C. Hernández C. Gómez J. Crespo R. Barber
Integration of Multiple Events in a Topological Autonomous Navigation System
IEEE, International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 16th edition, 2016, Bragança, Portugal
C. Gómez A. C. Hernández J. Crespo R. Barber

RoboCity16 Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics
chapter: Object Perception applied to Daily Life Environments for Mobile Robot Navigation pages: 105 – 112. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid, España , ISBN: 978-84-608-8452-1, 2016
A. C. Hernández C. Gómez J. Crespo R. Barber
RoboCity16 Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics
chapter: A Topological Navigation System based on Multiple Events for Usual Human Environments Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Madrid, España , ISBN: 978-84-608-8452-1, 2016
C. Gómez A. C. Hernández J. Crespo R. Barber

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