Effects of EMG-Controlled Video Games on the Upper Limb Functionality in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Feasibility Study and Development Description

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory neurological
disease in young adults, with a high prevalence worldwide (2.8 million
people). To aid in the MS treatment, using VR tools in cognitive and
motor rehabilitation of such disease has been growing progressively in
the last years. However, the role of VR as a rehabilitative tool in MS
treatment is still under debate. This paper explores the effects of VR
training using EMG activation in upper limb functionality. An
experimental training protocol using video games controlled using an MYO
armband sensor was conducted in a sample of patients with MS. Results
support the use of EMG-commanded video games as a rehabilitative tool in
patients with MS, obtaining favorable outcomes related to upper limb
functionality and satisfaction.