inicio » Personas » M. Maroto-Gomez

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Hi all!
I am Marcos Maroto, a post-doc researcher at Robotics Labs. Welcome to my web site where you can find information about my professional profile and bio.
I was born in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo, Spain), on 31st July 1993 but I have lived in a small village called Santa Olalla since childhood. My professional details come next.
I studied my degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering at University of Castilla La-Mancha from 2011-2015. I researched about locomotion in wheeled mobile robots, topic of my final degree project. At that moment, I was fascinated by the amazing world of robotics.
In 2015, I moved to Madrid for studying a MsC in Robotics and Automation up to 2017. That year, I joined the social robots group which belongs to Robotics Lab to research about the design of social robots and human-robot interaction. In 2017, I realized my final MSC project about the design of a new pet social robot.
I obtained my PhD in Robotics and AI in 2022, designing decision-making strategies for autonomous social robots drawing on biologically inspired methods. Currently, my interests are related to social robots, machine learning, artificial intelligence, motivations and emotions in social robots, human-robot interaction and robot design.