inicio » Personas » M.C. Gonzalez

Imagen 1
Teléfono 605601973
Hello! My name is Carlos González De la Vega. I was born on March of 1981,in Madrid. I lived in Algete and then in Fuenlabrada. Nowadays, I´m living in Leganés I got the degree of Industrial Technical Engineer in Industrial Electronic in 2006, by the Carlos III University of Madrid. This Octuber I also obtained a master in Robotic and Automation at the Carlos III University. I´ve worked in the projects: Multidimensional City, SAMCII and RH1 . In Multidimensional City I´ve developed a basic pipe jacking simulator for future operators with LabVIEW tool. In SAMCII, I was coordinating the hardware group which developed a Zigbee sensorial network to measure pathology in the structures of tunnels. In RH1 group, I did a interface to control de humanoid robot RH1. At this moment, I´m working in the implementation of a new target for a micro-tunneling machine.




Temas de investigación
