» S. Kadhim

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Telephone: + 34 657 51 27
E-mail: salahalansari2000@yahoo.com
This is Salah Hassan Kadhim Al-Ansari Web Page, within the Robotics Lab (http://roboticslab.uc3m.es/), in the Department of System and Automation Engineering. He received the B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering, from Baghdad University (http://www.univofbaghdad.org/), Mechanical Engineering Faculty, in 1985, Baghdad ? IRAQ.
He came to Spain in October 1999, in order to obtain Ph.D. degree in robotic sciences, developing the doctorate thesis titled ?Desarrollo de un manipulador móvil, autónomo con características antropométricas?, within Electrical, Electronic and Automatics Engineering program, in Carlos III University of Madrid (http://www.uc3m.es/), Madrid, Spain. He got the DEA degree ?Diploma de Estudios Avanzados? in robotics, in 2001. Currently, he is finishing his Ph.D. thesis, and collaborating as Research Assistant at the Robotics Lab.
He is interested in Robotics in general; his current research efforts focused on service and personal robots. His research interest includes robot?s design and development of lightweight service robots, lightweight arm?s design, mechanical systems simulation, mobile manipulators, Mechatronics.
He is an active member of the Robotics Lab since 2003, and has collaborated to develop the mobile robot MANFREDMAN FRiEnDly mobile manipulator ?Autonomous mobile manipulator for operation in difficult environments? (http://roboticslab.uc3m.es/roboticslab/robot.php?id_robot=4).
Nowadays, he works for INITEC Plantas Industriales Company (http://www.initec.es/). 
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