» R. Pacheco

Imagen 1
Telephone: 916249970
E-mail: rpago@ing.uc3m.es
Why the Robotic? The Robotic gives me the chance to study the human mind and his behavior. About Me
All this began 450km from here, in san Sebastián, a beautiful city in the Basque Country. There, I studied Computer Science Engineering at the San Sebastián Faculty of Computer Science (University of the Basque Country). After that and with the aim of extending my knowledge and of acquiring a wider vision of my professional future, I studied a master degree in Telecommunications at the Engineering School in Bilbao (University of the Basque country). When I finished my practices (in 2001), I came to work and live to Madrid. Here I started to work in the company called NCR developing systems of detection of fiscal fraud based on Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms for the Spanish Tributary Agency. Since May 2003 I?m doing my Ph.D. degree in the Robotics Lab at the Carlos III University of Madrid. My area of investigation is the Artificial Vision applied to the Human- Robot interaction. No matter if you have entered this page by error or if you have done it consciously, I hope you?ll find it interesting enough to contact me, I will be very pleased to receive any suggestion or commentary by mail: