» N. Daraoui

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Telephone: (+34)91 624 59
E-mail: ndaraoui@ing.uc3m.es
Welcome to my home page, since June 2008, I am visitor professor at systems engineering and automation department of Carlos III university of Madrid. I have background on applied mathematics and Industrial data processing. Since my PhD thesis, I worked on different projects through two postdoc positions in Lyon and Grenoble (France). I am working on control of systems with constraints and observers design. Through a multidisciplinary approach, I develop and apply theoretical tools of process control. Firstly, I interested on regulation problem of linear hybrid systems, example: jump linear systems, hydraulic systems with on/off valves. The interest with Robotics field starts with my work on the control of a mini drone helicopter (Quadrotor) in Grenoble. Now, i am working on Handle project (http://www.handle-project.eu). I am a member of “Women in control” association.