» J.V. Gomez

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Telephone: 34916248812
E-mail: jvgomez@ing.uc3m.es
Home Page: www.javiervgomez.com Here it is possible to see my full list of publications. I was born on 1987 in Spain. Currently, I live in Madrid (Spain). I’ve received my bachelor degree in electronics and automation engineering by the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) in 2011. Currently, I’m a PhD candidate within RoboticsLab in the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Here I focus my research in robotics path planning algorithms, multirobot systems and environment modeling (among others). In my spare time… I just continue researching!! I focus my spare research in assistive technologies and open source global positioning systems. Check my personal site (above) or SGPS Project site for more information! I also participate as beta tester for C/C++ dependency manager Biicode