Hi there!
My name is Laura San José and I am from Madrid. In 2020 I’ve got a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Electronic and Automation Engineering at Carlos III University of Madrid, and now I’m finishing my M.Sc. degree in Robotics and Automation. I’m currently working on my master’s dissertation and as a research assistant in RoboticsLab as well, both at this university.
Right now I’m collaborating in the COMPANION-CM research project, where we are developing symmetric human-robot interaction with the TEO robot in the field of healthcare robotics.
El Laboratorio de Robótica está situado en el Campus de Leganés de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, a unos 10 kilómetros al sur del centro de Madrid. Nuestras oficinas se encuentran en la tercera planta del edificio Agustín de Betancourt (marcado con el número 1 en el mapa).
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