I´m Jorge, I have a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering (2014) by UC3M, right now I´m doing my Masther Thesis of a Master degree in Industrial Design by UPM.
I´ve worked in several jobs related with engineering. My first job was a building rehabilitation in the Gran Via (Madrid), I was giving support to the building engineering tasks.
I’ve done internships at Robert Bosch Gasoline Systems, in Aranjuez’s factory. I worked in the production and engineering department, I´ve learned a lot about the operation of a big factory and the design and production system existing in a big company.
I´ve also worked in consulting R & D, we gave support to innovative companies advising them about his projects and researches.
I am currently working as a research assistant in the university science park (PCT).
El Laboratorio de Robótica está situado en el Campus de Leganés de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, a unos 10 kilómetros al sur del centro de Madrid. Nuestras oficinas se encuentran en la tercera planta del edificio Agustín de Betancourt (marcado con el número 1 en el mapa).
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