inicio » Personas » E. Salichs

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I am a PhD of the RoboticsLab research group at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. From this university, I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation in January 2020 and a Msc in Robotics and Automation with honors in 2014. I received my degree in Industrial Engineer at Carlos III University in 2012. I am also a Teaching Assistant in this university, specializing in industrial automation. My research focuses on the use of robots to improve quality of life in older people and the development of a cognitive stimulation program employing a social robot with patients who experience cognitive impairment. My work advances research into psycho-stimulation informatics programming, multimodal perceptual data gathering, and the networking of multiple devices employing the unique social expressivity of robots.
