inicio » Personas » F. J. Abu-Dakka

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Fares J. Abu-Dakka received a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Birzeit University, Palestine, in 2003, MSc and PhD in Manipulators Motion Planning from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain, in 2011. He was awarded the FPI Fellowship from the UPV and a Research Fellowship Grant from the Biomechanical Institute of Valencia. In the period from Oct. 2011 to Aug. 2013 he was a postdoctoral researcher in The Humanoid and Cognitive Robotics Lab (HCR) at Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. He was involved on a EU FP7 IntelAct project that addresses the difficult cognitive problem of understanding the meaning (semantics) of human manipulations for analysis and autonomous execution by artificial systems. Since Sept. 2013 to the present he is holding a visiting professor position at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain.

His research activities include robot motion planning, robot dynamics, biomechanical researches, robot control and learning, dynamic movement primitives, and iterative learning control.



