Computer aided mechatronics design
Updated: 19 December 2014 - 11:58am by C. Balaguer
The main objective of this research area is the development of a system that automates the service robot design process, (non available in the market). The design will be from different points of view: electro-mechanical, control and structural.
Service robots are one of the main priority areas of research in the field of robotics and automatization, such as show the directive lines of 6th EU Framework Programme, and the road maps of the two thematic networks, Euron and Clawar. The application of these robots for service tasks (personal assistance, education, social tasks, etc.) makes that their design will be very important, being crucial several parameters like the weight, the kinematic configuration, the layout of masses, etc. These robots have innovative designs and structures that allow them to move in non structured environments, walking, climbing, etc.

As a result of the application, the system will optimize several characteristics of the robot: the overall weight, the manoeuvrability, the number of degrees of freedom, the cycle work, etc. The approach of the project is mechatronic, integrating the knowledge of two research teams in one multidisplicinary team, formed by researchers that belongs to the Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática an Ingeniería Mecánica areas.

Journal Publications

Conference Publications



Doctoral Thesis