TunConstruct is 6FP European project as multi-disciplinary approach to promotes the development of technological innovation in underground construction. The role of the RoboticsLab is the development of robotic system for...
The objective of the project is the development of technologies for obtaining mobile robots capable of complex tasks that demand a high degree of autonomy and capacity of collaboration in the presence of human beings....
I3CON (6FP EU IP project under NMP priority) objective is the research in innovative & intelligent building systems by using control, automation, embedded sensing and ambient intelligence technologies by creating new...
Robots de Servicio para la Mejora de la Calidad de Vida de los Ciudadanos en Áreas Metropolitanas
The objective of this STREP is to research integrative concepts of advanced robotic systems to be seen as collaborative agents in various environments working together with humans by design suitable architectures and...
Monitorización y Control de Vibraciones en Estructuras Móviles Flexibles
Project performs live experimentation of ASIBOT robot in clinical environment of the National Paraplegic Hospital of Toledo (HNPT) in daily operations: tooth cleaning, etc. Final objective is the development of ASIBOT2...
The RoboCity2030 is a coordinated project of six major researcher labs of the Madrid Community. It is coordinated by RoboticsLab and deals with the integration of service robots in order to increase the citizens?quality...