Robot for the Effective-Assistance of People with Disabilities in the Domestic...
Start year: 2021 - End year: 2023
Funder: Fundación ONCE/ Asociación Inserta Innovación

Development of a robotic assistant for people with different types of disabilities, specially blinds and wheelchair-based, in domestic environments. The mobile manipulator must not only have the ability...

Bioinspired balance of humanoid robots for transport tasks
Start year: 2021 - End year: 2023
Funder: EU Horizon2020 (FSTP EUROBENCH)

The aim of this
proposal is to implement and improve different bioinspired balance strategies
and controllers while the humanoid robot...

Unmanned Traffic Management 4D Path Planning Technologies for Drone Swarm to...
Start year: 2020 - End year: 2023
Funder: European Commission H2020

Creation and validation of new swarm drone applications to enhance safety, security and efficiency in the civil system transport.

Discover2Walk. Development a novel robotic system that promotes walking in...
Start year: 2020 - End year: 2023
Funder: Agencia Estatal de Investigación

To engineer a novel robotic system that promotes walking in toddlers. This project will follow a novel approach of lower-limb robotic system based on emerging soft actuation technologies (SMA actuators) that seamlessly...

Benchmarking Humanoid Locomotion and Standing Performances during Dynamic...
Start year: 2021 - End year: 2023
Funder: EU Horizon2020 (FSTP EUROBENCH)
The project focusses on a whole-body humanoid robot stability during the dual standing manipulation. The robot balance with/without holding a box of unknown weight during its...
Robots sociales para la estimulación física, cognitiva y afectiva de mayores
Start year: 2019 - End year: 2022
Funder: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
The final goal of this project is to study the use of social robots to improve the quality of life of the elderly. In order to maintain their wellbeing for a longer period of...
RoboCity2030 ­ Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub
Start year: 2019 - End year: 2022
Funder: Community of Madrid

RoboCity2030 is constituted as Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub based on three pillars: Science of Excellence (in the fields of health, inspection, agriculture and SME industry), Science of Excellence (in the fields...

Heterogeneous Social-Mobile Manipulator Robot Intelligent Teams for Elderly-...
Start year: 2019 - End year: 2022

Based on the experience in robot navigation, object detection, planning and manipulation of the UC3M equipment and in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) analysis of sensor data, psychology...
