@ARTICLE{n.daraoui2009modelpredictivecontrol, TITLE = {Model predictive control during the primary drying stage of lyophilisation}, JOURNAL = {Control Engineering Practice,Accepted }, VOLUME = {0}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2009}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui, Dufour, P., Hammouri, H., Hottot, A.} } @ARTICLE{n.daraoui2007constrainedcontrolof, TITLE = {Constrained control of switching systems: A positive invariance approach}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Control}, VOLUME = {80}, NUMBER = {9}, PAGES = {1379 - 1387}, YEAR = {2007}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui, Benzaouia.A, , De Santis, E., Caravani, P.} } @ARTICLE{n.daraoui2006regulatorproblemfor, TITLE = {Regulator problem for linear discrete-time delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters and symmetrical constraints}, JOURNAL = {International journalof systems sciences}, VOLUME = {37}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui, Benzaouia, A.} } @ARTICLE{n.daraoui2004controlofswitched, TITLE = {Control of Switched Discrete-time linear systems under Constraints}, JOURNAL = {International journal of hybrid systems}, VOLUME = {3}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {393 - 401}, YEAR = {2004}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui, Benzaouia, A.} } @ARTICLE{n.daraoui2003stabilityofcontinuous-time, TITLE = {Stability of continuous-time linear systemswith Markovian jumping parameters and constrained control}, JOURNAL = { International journal of hybrid systems}, VOLUME = {3}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {19 - 32}, YEAR = {2003}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui, Benzaouia, A., Boukas, K.} } @CONFERENCE{n.daraoui2003daraoui.n,a.benzaouiaand, TITLE = {Daraoui.N, A.Benzaouia and E.K.Boukas "Regulator problem for linear discrete-timedelay systems with Markovian jumping parameters and constrained control"}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003. Proceedings. Volume 3, 9-12 Dec. 2003 Page(s):2806 - 2810 Vol.3 }, DATE = {2003-12-09 00:00:00}, CITY = {Hawaii}, COUNTRY = {}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {2806 - 2810}, YEAR = {2003}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui} } @CONFERENCE{n.daraoui2003daraoui.n,a.benzaouiaand, TITLE = {Daraoui.N, A.Benzaouia and E.K.Boukas "Regulator problem for linear Discrete-timedelay systems with Markovians jumping parameters and symmetrical constraints"}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {The 4th International Conferences on Control and Automation}, DATE = {2003-06-10 00:00:00}, CITY = {Montreal}, COUNTRY = {Canada}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {286 - 290}, YEAR = {2003}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui} } @CONFERENCE{n.daraoui2002benzaouia.a,e.k.boukasand, TITLE = {Benzaouia.A, E.K.Boukas and N.Daraoui "Stability of continuous-time linear systemswith Markovian jumping parameters and constrained control"}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = { The 5th IFAC WordCongress on the Automatic Control, 2002.}, DATE = {2002-07-21 00:00:00}, CITY = {Barcelone}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2002}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui} } @CONFERENCE{n.daraoui0daraoui.n,p., TITLE = {Daraoui. N, P. Dufour and H. Hammouri "Optimal operation of sublimation time ofthe freeze drying process by predictive control: Application of the MPC@CB software"}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 18,}, DATE = {2008-04-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {Lyon}, COUNTRY = {France}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui} } @CONFERENCE{n.daraoui0daraoui.n,p., TITLE = {Daraoui. N, P. Dufour and H. Hammouri "MPC of the primary drying stage of a freezedrying of solutions in vials: an application of the MPC@CB software (Part 1)"}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = { Asia-Pacific Drying Conference}, DATE = {2007-08-13 00:00:00}, CITY = {Hongkong}, COUNTRY = {Chine}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui} } @CONFERENCE{n.daraoui0lesecqs.,s., TITLE = {Lesecq S., S. Gentil and N. Daraoui "Quadrotor attitude estimation with data losses"}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {European Control Conference}, DATE = {2009-08-23 00:00:00}, CITY = {Budapest}, COUNTRY = {Hungary}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {N. Daraoui} }