@ARTICLE{a.corrales2014signagesystemfor, TITLE = {Signage system for the navigation of autonomous robots in indoor environments}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics}, VOLUME = {10}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {680 - 688}, YEAR = {2014}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, M. Malfaz, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{r.rivas2007robotskillabstraction, TITLE = {Robot Skill Abstraction for AD Architecture}, JOURNAL = {IFAC Proceedings Volumes}, VOLUME = {40}, NUMBER = {15}, PAGES = {415 - 420}, YEAR = {2007}, AUTHOR = {R. Rivas, A. Corrales, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.corrales2011useofrfid, TITLE = {Use of RFID technology on a mobile robot fortopological navigation tasks}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications}, DATE = {2011-09-15 00:00:00}, CITY = {Sitges}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {IEEExplore}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.corrales2007arquitecturasoftwarede, TITLE = {Arquitectura software de un robot personal}, BOOKTITLE = {Arquitecturas de control para robots}, CONGRESS = {Robocity2030}, DATE = {2007-02-12 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {España}, ISBN = {978-84-7484-196}, PUBLISHER = {Universidad Politécnica de Madrid}, PAGES = {101 - 115}, YEAR = {2007}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.corrales2007robotskillabstraction, TITLE = {Robot Skill Abstraction for AD Architecture }, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {6th IFAC Symposium onIntelligent Autonomous Vehicles IAV 2007}, DATE = {2007-09-03 00:00:00}, CITY = {Toulouse}, COUNTRY = {2007}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2007}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.corrales2007sistemadeidentificación, TITLE = {Sistema de identificación de objetos mediante RFID para un robot personal}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Jornadas de Automática}, DATE = {2007-09-05 00:00:00}, CITY = {Huelva}, COUNTRY = {España}, ISBN = {978-84-690-7497}, PUBLISHER = {Comité Español de Automática}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2007}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, R. Rivas, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{e.delgado2006maggie:arobotic, TITLE = {Maggie: A Robotic Platform for Human-Robot Social Interaction}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM 2006)}, DATE = {2006-06-07 00:00:00}, CITY = {Bangkok}, COUNTRY = {Thailand}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {E. Delgado, A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Pacheco, A.M. Khamis, Javi F. Gorostiza, M. Malfaz, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{e.delgado2006multimodalhuman-robotinteraction, TITLE = {Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction Framework for a Personal Robot}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {RO-MAN 06: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication}, DATE = {2006-09-06 00:00:00}, CITY = {Hatfield}, COUNTRY = {United Kingdom}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {E. Delgado, A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Pacheco, A.M. Khamis, Javi F. Gorostiza, M. Malfaz, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.corrales2006schab:sistema, TITLE = { SCHAB: Sistema mínimo de supervisión y control de habilidades en el robot Maggie}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Jornadas de Automática}, DATE = {2006-09-06 00:00:00}, CITY = {Almería}, COUNTRY = {España}, ISBN = {84-689-9417-0}, PUBLISHER = {UAL}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Barber} } @BOOK{a.corrales2012sistemadenavegación, TITLE = {Sistema de Navegación para Robots Sociales Basado en Señales (PhD Thesis)}, PUBLISHER = {Universidad Carlos III de Madrid}, ISBN = {-}, CITY = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales} } @BOOK{a.corrales2008robotspersonalesy, TITLE = {Robots Personales y Asistenciales. Capítulo 4: Habilidad de adquisición de información web para el robot personal Maggie. A. Corrales, R.Rivas y M.A. Salichs. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-691-3824-3 }, PUBLISHER = {-}, ISBN = {978-84-691-3824-3}, CITY = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2008}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, R. Rivas, M.A. Salichs} } @BOOK{a.corrales2007arquitecturasdecontrol, CHAPTER = {Arquitectura software de un robot personal}, TITLE = {Arquitecturas de Control para Robots}, PUBLISHER = {Universidad Polit¶ecnica de Madrid}, ISBN = {978-84-7484-196}, CITY = {}, PAGES = {101 - 115}, YEAR = {2007}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @BOOK{a.corrales1999progressinrobotics., CHAPTER = {Integration of a RFID System in a Social Robot.}, TITLE = {Progress in Robotics. }, PUBLISHER = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, ISBN = {978-3-642-03986}, CITY = {}, PAGES = {66 - 73}, YEAR = {1999}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales, M.A. Salichs} } @PHDTHESIS{a.corrales2012navigationsystembased, TITLE = {Navigation System Based on Signals for Social Robots}, SCHOOL = {}, QUALIFICATION = {Sobresaliente "Cum Laudem"}, SUPERVISORS = {M.A. Salichs}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {A. Corrales} }