@ARTICLE{a.ramey2017vision-basedpeopledetection, TITLE = {Vision-based people detection using depth information for social robots. An experimental evaluation}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems}, VOLUME = {14}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2017}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M. Malfaz, F. Alonso, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{a.ramey2017alocaluser, TITLE = {A local user mapping architecture for social robots}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems}, VOLUME = {14}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2017}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, M. Malfaz, J.C. Castillo, A. Castro-Gonzalez, I. P. Encinar, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{a.ramey2013fast3dcluster-tracking, TITLE = {Fast 3D Cluster-tracking for a Mobile Robot using 2D Techniques on Depth Images}, JOURNAL = {Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal}, VOLUME = {44}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {325 - 350}, YEAR = {2013}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, M. Malfaz, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{a.ramey2011maggie:asocial, TITLE = {Maggie: A Social Robot as a Gaming Platform}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Social Robotics}, VOLUME = {3}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {371 - 381}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, V. Gonzalez Pacheco, F. Alonso, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{f.alonso2014speakeridentificationusing, TITLE = {Speaker identification using three signal voice domains during human-robot interaction}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceeding HRI '14 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction}, CONGRESS = {ACM/IEEE International conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI 2014)}, DATE = {2014-03-03 00:00:00}, CITY = {New York}, COUNTRY = {EEUU}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-2658-2}, PUBLISHER = {ACM New York, NY, USA}, PAGES = {114 - 115}, YEAR = {2014}, AUTHOR = {F. Alonso, A. Ramey, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.ramey2014morphologicalgenderrecognition, TITLE = {Morphological gender recognition by a social robot and privacy concerns}, BOOKTITLE = {HRI '14 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction}, CONGRESS = {ACM/IEEE International conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI 2014)}, DATE = {2014-03-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {New York}, COUNTRY = {USA}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-2658-2}, PUBLISHER = {ACM New York, NY, USA}, PAGES = {272 - 273}, YEAR = {2014}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.ramey2011usingasocial, TITLE = {Using a Social Robot as a Gaming Platform}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {International Conference on Social Robotics 2010}, DATE = {2010-11-23 00:00:00}, CITY = {Singapore}, COUNTRY = {Singapore}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, PAGES = {30 - 39}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, V. Gonzalez Pacheco, F. Alonso, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.ramey2011"integrationofa, TITLE = {"Integration of a Low-Cost RGB-D Sensor in a Social Robot for Gesture Recognition", Arnaud Ramey, V. Gonzalez-Pacheco, MA. Salichs, HRI2011}, BOOKTITLE = {HRI '11 Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction}, CONGRESS = {International Conference on HumanRobot Interaction}, DATE = {2011-01-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {-}, COUNTRY = {}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-0561-7}, PUBLISHER = {ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011}, PAGES = {229 - 230}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, V. Gonzalez Pacheco, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.ramey2011maggie:el, TITLE = {Maggie : el robot traductor. }, BOOKTITLE = {9º WorkShop Robocity2030-II}, CONGRESS = {9º WorkShop Robocity2030}, DATE = {2011-05-30 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {In UPM (Eds.)}, PAGES = {57 - 73}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, F. Alonso, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.ramey0playzones:a, TITLE = {Playzones : A robust detector of game boards for playing visual games with robots}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Robot 2011 - III Workshop de Robótica : Robótica Experimental}, DATE = {2011-11-28 00:00:00}, CITY = {Sevilla}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.ramey0asocialrobot, TITLE = {A Social Robot as an Aloud Reader: Putting together Recognition and Synthesis of Voice and Gestures for HRI Experimentation}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {7th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction}, DATE = {2012-03-05 00:00:00}, CITY = {Boston}, COUNTRY = {United States}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, Javi F. Gorostiza, M.A. Salichs} } @BOOK{a.ramey2013real-timerecognitionof, TITLE = {Real-time recognition of the gender of users around a social robot: preliminary results}, PUBLISHER = {University Carlos III of Madrid}, ISBN = {978-84-695-7212-2}, CITY = {}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2013}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey, M.A. Salichs} } @PHDTHESIS{a.ramey2014localusermapping, TITLE = {Local user mapping via multi-modal fusion for social robots}, SCHOOL = {University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain}, QUALIFICATION = {Sobresaliente "Cum Laudem"}, SUPERVISORS = {M.A. Salichs, M. Malfaz}, YEAR = {2014}, AUTHOR = {A. Ramey} }