@ARTICLE{a.mora2024adam:arobotic, TITLE = {ADAM: a robotic companion for enhanced quality of life in aging populations}, JOURNAL = {Frontiers in Neurobotics}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2024}, AUTHOR = {A. Mora, A. Prados, A. Méndez, Pavel González, L. Moreno, S. Garrido, R. Barber} } @ARTICLE{a.mora2022sensorfusionfor, TITLE = {Sensor Fusion for Social Navigation on a Mobile Robot Based on Fast Marching Square and Gaussian Mixture Model}, JOURNAL = {Sensors}, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {22}, PAGES = {8728 - }, YEAR = {2022}, AUTHOR = {A. Mora, A. Prados, A. Méndez, R. Barber, S. Garrido} } @CONFERENCE{a.méndez2024user-guidedframeworkfor, TITLE = {User-guided framework for scene generation using diffusion models}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {2024 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)}, DATE = {2024-05-02 00:00:00}, CITY = {Parede de Coura}, COUNTRY = {Portugal}, ISBN = {979-8-3503-5234-4}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, PAGES = {22 - 27}, YEAR = {2024}, AUTHOR = {A. Méndez, A. Prados, R. Barber} } @CONFERENCE{a.prados2024f-divergenceoptimizationfor, TITLE = {f-Divergence Optimization for Task-Parameterized Learning from Demonstrations Algorithm}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {2024 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)}, DATE = {2024-05-02 00:00:00}, CITY = {Parede de Coura}, COUNTRY = {Portugal}, ISBN = {979-8-3503-5234-4}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, PAGES = {9 - 14}, YEAR = {2024}, AUTHOR = {A. Prados, A. Méndez, R. Barber} }