@ARTICLE{m.f.stoelen2016adaptiveaidon, TITLE = {Adaptive Aid on Targeted Robot Manipulator Movements in Tele-Assistance}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Behavioral Robotics}, VOLUME = {7}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {15 - 30}, YEAR = {2016}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, V. Tejada, A. Jardon, F. Bonsignorio, C. Balaguer} } @ARTICLE{m.f.stoelen2015towardsreplicableexperiments, TITLE = {Towards Replicable Experiments on Distributed and Adaptive Shared Control Systems}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine }, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2015}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, V. Tejada, A. Jardon, C. Balaguer, F. Bonsignorio} } @ARTICLE{m.f.stoelen2011task-orientedkinematicdesign, TITLE = {Task-Oriented Kinematic Design of a Symmetric Assistive Climbing Robot}, JOURNAL = {Short paper, IEEE Transactions on Robotics}, VOLUME = {27}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1132 - 1137}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, F. Bonsignorio, A. Jardon, C. Balaguer} } @ARTICLE{m.f.stoelen2010assessmentoffitts', TITLE = {Assessment of Fitts' Law for Quantifying Combined Rotational and Translational Movements}, JOURNAL = {Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society}, VOLUME = {52}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {63 - 77}, YEAR = {2010}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen2013adaptivecollision-limitationbehavior, TITLE = {Adaptive Collision-Limitation Behavior for an Assistive Manipulator}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, DATE = {2013-11-04 00:00:00}, CITY = {Tokyo}, COUNTRY = {Japan}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2013}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, V. Tejada, J.G. Victores, A. Jardon, F. Bonsignorio, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen2012benchmarkingsharedcontrol, TITLE = {Benchmarking Shared Control for Assistive Manipulators: From Controllability to the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012)}, DATE = {2012-10-07 00:00:00}, CITY = {Vilamoura}, COUNTRY = {Portugal}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, F. Bonsignorio, A. Jardon, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen2012hebb-likelearningfor, TITLE = {Hebb-like Learning for the Grounding of High-Level Symbols in Sensorimotor Trajectories}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition}, DATE = {2012-09-10 00:00:00}, CITY = {Lausanne}, COUNTRY = {Switzerland}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {61 - 61}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, F. Bonsignorio, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen2012onlinelearningof, TITLE = {Online Learning of Sensorimotor Interactions using a Neural Network with Time-Delayed Inputs}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob)}, DATE = {2012-10-11 00:00:00}, CITY = {San Diego}, COUNTRY = {USA}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, F. Bonsignorio, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{f.rodriguez2012sistemadevisión, TITLE = {Sistema de visión Omnidireccional para robots humanoides [PDF]}, BOOKTITLE = {Actas de las XXXIII Jornadas de Automática}, CONGRESS = {XXXIII Jornadas de Automática}, DATE = {2012-09-05 00:00:00}, CITY = {Vigo}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {9788481585834}, PUBLISHER = {Universidad de Vigo y Comité Español de Automática}, PAGES = {721 - 728}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {F. Rodriguez, M.F. Stoelen, A. Jardon} } @CONFERENCE{a.jardon2012experimentalevaluationof, TITLE = {Experimental evaluation of assistive robots in virtual domestic scenarios}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {International Symposium for Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC/Gerontechnology 2012). Vol. 11. Num. 2}, DATE = {2012-06-27 00:00:00}, CITY = {Eindhoven}, COUNTRY = {The Netherlands}, ISBN = {1569-111X}, PUBLISHER = {Publisher International Society for Gerontechnology; Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Faculteit Bouwkunde}, PAGES = {376 - 376}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {A. Jardon, J.G. Victores, M.F. Stoelen, S. Martinez, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{f.rodriguez2012omnidireccionalvisionsystem, TITLE = {Omnidireccional vision system for mini-humanoid robots [PDF]}, BOOKTITLE = {IEEE IV Workshop on Perception in Robotics}, CONGRESS = {Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops }, DATE = {2012-07-03 00:00:00}, CITY = {A. Henares}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {9788469534724}, PUBLISHER = {RoboCity2030}, PAGES = {1 - 6}, YEAR = {2012}, AUTHOR = {F. Rodriguez, M.F. Stoelen, A. Jardon, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{j.g.victores2011interacciónhumano-robota, TITLE = {Interacción Humano-Robot a través de Interfaces en la Nube}, BOOKTITLE = {Robots colaborativos e interacción humano-robot}, CONGRESS = {Robocity2030 9th Workshop}, DATE = {2011-05-30 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {978-84-614-5558}, PUBLISHER = {UPM-CSIC}, PAGES = {75 - 92}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {J.G. Victores, A. Jardon, S. Morante, M.F. Stoelen, S. Martinez, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen2011methodologiesforexperimental, TITLE = {Methodologies for Experimental Evaluation of Assistive Robotics HRI}, BOOKTITLE = {Robots colaborativos e interacción humano-robot}, CONGRESS = {ROBOCITY2030 9TH WORKSHOP: ROBOTS COLABORATIVOS E INTERACCION HUMANO-ROBOT}, DATE = {2011-05-30 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {978-84-614-5558}, PUBLISHER = {UPM-CSIC}, PAGES = {111 - 127}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, A. Jardon, V. Tejada, J.G. Victores, S. Martinez, F. Bonsignorio, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{c.balaguer2011sultan:simultaneoususer, TITLE = {SULTAN: Simultaneous User Learning and Task Execution, and its Application in Assistive Robotics}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Workshop on New and Emerging Technologies in Assistive Robotics at IROS 2011.}, DATE = {2011-09-26 00:00:00}, CITY = {San Francisco}, COUNTRY = {United States}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {6 - 8}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {C. Balaguer, A. Jardon, C.A. Monje, F. Bonsignorio, M.F. Stoelen, S. Martinez, J.G. Victores} } @CONFERENCE{a.jardon2011aplicacióndeteoría, TITLE = {Aplicación de teoría de la información para el modelado y cuantificación de la interacción persona-robot}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IV Congreso Internacional de Diseño, Redes de Investigación y Tecnología para todos (DRT4ALL)}, DATE = {2011-06-28 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {978-84-88934-50}, PUBLISHER = {Fundación ONCE}, PAGES = {36 - 45}, YEAR = {2011}, AUTHOR = {A. Jardon, M.F. Stoelen, V. Tejada, J.G. Victores, S. Martinez, C. Balaguer, F. Bonsignorio} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen2010towardsanenabling, TITLE = {Towards an Enabling Multimodal Interface for an Assistive Robot}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Workshop on Mutimodal Human-Robot Interfaces, IEEE InternationalConference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, DATE = {2010-05-03 00:00:00}, CITY = {Anchorage, AK}, COUNTRY = {USA}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2010}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, A. Jardon, F. Bonsignorio, J.G. Victores, C.A. Monje, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen2010informationmetricsfor, TITLE = {Information Metrics for Assistive Human-In-The-Loop Cognitive Systems}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Workshop on Good Experimental Methodology in Robotics and Replicable Robotics Research, Robotics Science and Systems (RSS)}, DATE = {2010-06-28 00:00:00}, CITY = {Zaragoza}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {1 - 6}, YEAR = {2010}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, A. Jardon, J.G. Victores, C. Balaguer, F. Bonsignorio} } @CONFERENCE{j.g.victores2010benchmarkingusabilityof, TITLE = {Benchmarking Usability of Assistive Robotic Systems: Methodology and Application}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Workshop on the Role of Experiments in Robotic Research, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, DATE = {2010-05-03 00:00:00}, CITY = {Anchorage, AK}, COUNTRY = {USA}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2010}, AUTHOR = {J.G. Victores, M.F. Stoelen, F. Bonsignorio, A. Jardon, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{j.g.victores2010asibotassistiverobot, TITLE = {ASIBOT Assistive Robot with Vision in a Domestic Environment}, BOOKTITLE = {Visión en Robótica}, CONGRESS = {Robocity2030 7th Workshop}, DATE = {2010-10-15 00:00:00}, CITY = {Móstoles}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {84-693-6777-3}, PUBLISHER = {Universidad Rey Juan Carlos}, PAGES = {61 - 74}, YEAR = {2010}, AUTHOR = {J.G. Victores, M.F. Stoelen, S. Martinez, A. Jardon, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.gonzález-fierro2010educationalinitiativesrelated, TITLE = {Educational initiatives related with the CEABOT contest}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of SIMPAR2010 Workshops}, CONGRESS = {Int. Conf. on SIMULATION, MODELING and PROGRAMMING for AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS}, DATE = {2010-11-15 00:00:00}, CITY = {Darmstadt}, COUNTRY = {Germany}, ISBN = {978-3-00-032863}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {649 - 658}, YEAR = {2010}, AUTHOR = {M. González-Fierro, A. Jardon, S. Martinez, M.F. Stoelen, J.G. Victores, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{a.jardon2009asibotassistiverobot, TITLE = {ASIBOT Assistive Robot in a Domestic Environment}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {2nd ACM International Conference on PErvasiveTechnologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA)}, DATE = {2009-06-09 00:00:00}, CITY = {Corfu}, COUNTRY = {Greece}, ISBN = {978-1-60558-409-6}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {611 - 614}, YEAR = {2009}, AUTHOR = {A. Jardon, J.G. Victores, M.F. Stoelen, S. Martinez, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen0aninformation-theoreticapproach, TITLE = {An information-theoretic approach to modeling and quantifying assistive robotics HRI}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Late Breaking Report, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI)}, DATE = {2011-03-25 00:00:00}, CITY = {Lausanne}, COUNTRY = {Switzerland}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {ACM, New York, NY, USA}, PAGES = {257 - 258}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen, F. Bonsignorio, A. Jardon, C. Balaguer} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen0interfaceforeva, TITLE = {Interface for EVA Human-Machine Interaction}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {38th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES)}, DATE = {2008-06-20 00:00:00}, CITY = {San Francisco}, COUNTRY = {USA}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen0advancedspacesuit, TITLE = {Advanced Space Suit Design Within A Human-Robotic Architecture}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {58th International Astronautical Congress}, DATE = {2007-09-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {Hyderabad}, COUNTRY = {India}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen} } @CONFERENCE{m.f.stoelen0carpool.umd:communitycarpooling, TITLE = {Carpool.UMD: Community Carpooling}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Computer-Human Interaction Extended Abstracts (CHI 2007)}, DATE = {2007-04-28 00:00:00}, CITY = {San Jose, Calif}, COUNTRY = {USA}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {2055 - 2060}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {M.F. Stoelen} }