@ARTICLE{s.carrasco2023aplicacióndeestrategias, TITLE = {Aplicación de estrategias psicológicas y sociales para incrementar el vínculo en interacción humano-robot: Estrategias psicológicas y sociales en robótica social}, JOURNAL = {Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial}, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2023}, AUTHOR = {S. Carrasco, Juan José Gamboa-Montero, M. Maroto-Gomez, F. Alonso, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{e.fernandez-rodicio2022emotionandmood, TITLE = {Emotion and Mood Blending in Embodied Artificial Agents: Expressing Affective States in the Mini Social Robot}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Social Robotics}, VOLUME = {14}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {1841 - 1864}, YEAR = {2022}, AUTHOR = {E. Fernandez-Rodicio, M. Maroto-Gomez, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M. Malfaz, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{m.maroto-gomez2022activelearningbased, TITLE = {Active learning based on computer vision and human–robot interaction for the user profiling and behavior personalization of an autonomous social robot}, JOURNAL = {Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence}, VOLUME = {117}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {105631 - }, YEAR = {2022}, AUTHOR = {M. Maroto-Gomez, S. Marqués, J.C. Castillo, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M. Malfaz} } @ARTICLE{m.maroto-gomez2022modelingneuroendocrineautonomic, TITLE = {Modeling Neuroendocrine Autonomic Responses in Embodied Autonomous Robots}, JOURNAL = {Advanced Intelligent Systems}, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2022}, AUTHOR = {M. Maroto-Gomez, E. Fernandez-Rodicio, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M. Malfaz, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{m.maroto-gomez2022anadaptivedecision-making, TITLE = {An adaptive decision-making system supported on user preference predictions for human–robot interactive communication}, JOURNAL = {User Modeling and User-adapted Interaction}, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {1 - 45}, YEAR = {2022}, AUTHOR = {M. Maroto-Gomez, A. Castro-Gonzalez, J.C. Castillo, M. Malfaz, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{e.fernandez-rodicio2021modellingmultimodaldialogues, TITLE = {Modelling multimodal dialogues for social robots using communicative acts}, JOURNAL = {Sensors}, VOLUME = {20}, NUMBER = {12}, PAGES = {3440 - }, YEAR = {2021}, AUTHOR = {E. Fernandez-Rodicio, A. Castro-Gonzalez, F. Alonso, M. Maroto-Gomez, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{m.maroto-gomez2021speeding-upactionlearning, TITLE = {Speeding-Up Action Learning in a Social Robot With Dyna-Q+: A Bioinspired Probabilistic Model Approach}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Access}, VOLUME = {9}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {98381 - 98397}, YEAR = {2021}, AUTHOR = {M. Maroto-Gomez, Rodrigo González, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M. Malfaz, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{m.a.salichs2020mini:anew, TITLE = {Mini: A New Social Robot for the Elderly}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Social Robotics}, VOLUME = {12}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {1231 - 1249}, YEAR = {2020}, AUTHOR = {M.A. Salichs, A. Castro-Gonzalez, E. Salichs, E. Fernandez-Rodicio, M. Maroto-Gomez, Juan José Gamboa-Montero, S. Marqués, J.C. Castillo, F. Alonso, M. Malfaz} } @ARTICLE{m.maroto-gomez2018abio-inspiredmotivational, TITLE = {A Bio-inspired Motivational Decision Making System for Social Robots Based on the Perception of the User}, JOURNAL = {Sensors}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {8}, PAGES = {1 - 19}, YEAR = {2018}, AUTHOR = {M. Maroto-Gomez, A. Castro-Gonzalez, J.C. Castillo, M. Malfaz, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{m.a.salichs2017interacciónhumano-roboten, TITLE = {Interacción humano-robot en el proyecto ROBSEN}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica 2017}, DATE = {2017-05-11 00:00:00}, CITY = {Valencia}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = { - }, YEAR = {2017}, AUTHOR = {M.A. Salichs, F. Alonso, M. Malfaz, J.C. Castillo, E. Salichs, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M. Maroto-Gomez, J. Alcocer, E. Fernandez-Rodicio} } @PHDTHESIS{m.maroto-gomez2022autonomousdecision-makingbased, TITLE = {Autonomous Decision-Making based on Biological Adaptive Processes for Intelligent Social Robots}, SCHOOL = {Universidad Carlos III de Madrid}, QUALIFICATION = {Sobresaliente "Cum Laude" con Mención Internacional}, SUPERVISORS = {M. Malfaz, A. Castro-Gonzalez, M.A. Salichs}, YEAR = {2022}, AUTHOR = {M. Maroto-Gomez} }