@ARTICLE{a.villoslada2015high-displacementflexibleshape, TITLE = {High-displacement flexible Shape Memory Alloy actuator for soft wearable robots}, JOURNAL = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, VOLUME = {73}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {91 - 101}, YEAR = {2015}, AUTHOR = {A. Villoslada, A. Flores, D. Copaci, D. Blanco, L. Moreno} } @ARTICLE{a.villoslada2015positioncontrolof, TITLE = {Position control of a shape memory alloy actuator using afour-term bilinear PID controller}, JOURNAL = {Sensors and Actuators A: Physical}, VOLUME = {236}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {257 - 272}, YEAR = {2015}, AUTHOR = {A. Villoslada, N. Escudero, F. Martín, A. Flores, C. Rivera, M. Collado, L. Moreno} } @PHDTHESIS{a.villoslada2019designofa, TITLE = {Design of a shape memory alloy actuator for soft wearable robots}, SCHOOL = {University Carlos III of Madrid}, QUALIFICATION = {Sobresaliente "Cum Laude" con Mención Internacional}, SUPERVISORS = {D. Blanco, L. Moreno}, YEAR = {2019}, AUTHOR = {A. Villoslada} }