@ARTICLE{a.m.khamis2007human-robotinterfacesfor, TITLE = {Human-Robot Interfaces for Social Interaction}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Robotics and Automation}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {215 - 221}, YEAR = {2007}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{a.m.khamis2006anapproachfor, TITLE = {An Approach for Building Innovative Educational Environments for Mobile Robotics}, JOURNAL = {Special Issue on Robotics Education, International Journal of Engineering Education. TEMPUS Publications}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {732 - 742}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{a.m.khamis2006fuzzyreinforcementlearning, TITLE = {Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning for Embedded Soccer Agents in a Multiagent Context}, JOURNAL = {Special Issue on Agents Meet Robots, International Journal of Robotics and Automation}, VOLUME = {21}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, Tehrani, A. M., Kamel, M. S.} } @ARTICLE{a.m.khamis2006human-robotinterfacesfor, TITLE = {Human-Robot Interfaces for Social Interaction}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Robotics and Automation}, VOLUME = {0}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{a.m.khamis2003softwarearchitecturefor, TITLE = {Software Architecture for Internet Mobile Robotics}, JOURNAL = {Robotics and Machine Perception. SPIE}, VOLUME = {12}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {7 - 11}, YEAR = {2003}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @ARTICLE{a.m.khamis2003remoteinteractionwith, TITLE = {Remote Interaction with Mobile Robots}, JOURNAL = {Autonomous Robots}, VOLUME = {15}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {267 - 281}, YEAR = {2003}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{e.delgado2006maggie:arobotic, TITLE = {Maggie: A Robotic Platform for Human-Robot Social Interaction}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM 2006)}, DATE = {2006-06-07 00:00:00}, CITY = {Bangkok}, COUNTRY = {Thailand}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {E. Delgado, A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Pacheco, A.M. Khamis, Javi F. Gorostiza, M. Malfaz, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{e.delgado2006multimodalhuman-robotinteraction, TITLE = {Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction Framework for a Personal Robot}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {RO-MAN 06: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication}, DATE = {2006-09-06 00:00:00}, CITY = {Hatfield}, COUNTRY = {United Kingdom}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {E. Delgado, A. Corrales, R. Rivas, R. Pacheco, A.M. Khamis, Javi F. Gorostiza, M. Malfaz, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2006adistributedarchitecture, TITLE = {A Distributed Architecture for Mobile Multirobot Remote Interaction, Alaa Khamis, Ayman Abdel-Rahman, Mohmaed Kamel}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems}, DATE = {2006-06-15 00:00:00}, CITY = {Prague}, COUNTRY = {Czech Republic}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2005anagent-basedarchitecture, TITLE = {An Agent-Based Architecture for a Multi-Robot System, Ali Tehrani, Bram Gruneir, Ben Miners, Alaa Khamis, Howard Li, Mohammed El-Abd, Insop Song, Mohamed Kamel, Otman Basir, and Fakhreddine Karray}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {ICGST International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (ARAS-05)}, DATE = {2005-12-15 00:00:00}, CITY = {Cairo}, COUNTRY = {Egypt}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2005}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2005agent-orienteddesignof, TITLE = {Agent-Oriented Design of a Multi-Robot System, Bram Gruneir, Ben Miners, Alaa Khamis, Hamada Ghenniwa, Mohamed Kamel}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {First International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems (MARS) }, DATE = {2005-09-13 00:00:00}, CITY = {Barcelona}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2005}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2005anagent-basedarchitecture, TITLE = {An Agent-Based Architecture for a Multi-Robot System, Ali Tehrani, Bram Gruneir, Ben Miners, Alaa Khamis, Howard Li, Mohammed El-Abd, Insop Song, Mohamed Kamel, Otman Basir, and Fakhreddine Karray}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {ICGST International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (ARAS-05)}, DATE = {2005-12-19 00:00:00}, CITY = {Cairo}, COUNTRY = {Egypt}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2005}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2004sistemadeinteracción, TITLE = {Sistema de Interacción Remota con Robots Móviles basado en Internet I}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {I Jornadas de Trabajo: Educación en Automática. DocenWeb: Red Temática de Docencia en Control mediante Web}, DATE = {2004-03-17 00:00:00}, CITY = {Alicante}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2004}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, R. Barber, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2004laboratorioadistancia, TITLE = {Laboratorio a Distancia via Internet en Robotica Móvil}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {III Jornada de Trabajo - Enseñanza Vía Internet/Web de la Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática- EIWSA 2002}, DATE = {2002-04-18 00:00:00}, CITY = {Alicante}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {2004}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2001sensorialdataacquisition, TITLE = {Sensorial Data Acquisition Process for a Mobile Robot in the Virtual Laboratory }, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {International Workshop in Teleeducation in Mechatronics based on Virtual Laboratories}, DATE = {2001-07-18 00:00:00}, CITY = {Weingarten}, COUNTRY = {Germany}, ISBN = {3-9255359-003}, PUBLISHER = {Wimmer Verlag}, PAGES = {54 - 57}, YEAR = {2001}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2001aremotelaboratory, TITLE = {A Remote Laboratory for Teaching Mobile Robotics}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IFAC Conference on Telematics Applications and Robotics (TA2001)}, DATE = {2001-07-24 00:00:00}, CITY = {Weingarten}, COUNTRY = {Germany}, ISBN = {0-08-043856-3}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science}, PAGES = {487 - 491}, YEAR = {2001}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis2001teachingmobilerobotics, TITLE = {Teaching Mobile Robotics to Anyone, Anywhere at Anytime}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {1st. EURON Workshop on Robotics Education and Training RET 2001}, DATE = {2001-07-21 00:00:00}, CITY = {Weingarten}, COUNTRY = {Germany}, ISBN = {84-7653-781-6}, PUBLISHER = {UPC}, PAGES = {75 - 80}, YEAR = {2001}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{m.rivero0pattern-basedarchitecturefor, TITLE = {Pattern-based Architecture for Building Mobile Robotics Remote Laboratories}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, DATE = {2003-09-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {Taipei}, COUNTRY = {Taiwan}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {M. Rivero, A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis0cooperation:conceptsand, TITLE = {Cooperation: Concepts and General Typology}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, DATE = {2006-10-08 00:00:00}, CITY = {Taipei}, COUNTRY = {Taiwan}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{m.rivero0apatterns-orientedframework, TITLE = {A Patterns-Oriented Framework for the Development of Automatic and Deliberative Skills for Mobile Robots}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics}, DATE = {2003-07-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {Coimbra}, COUNTRY = {Portugal}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {M. Rivero, A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{m.rivero0pattern-orientedimplementationfor, TITLE = {Pattern-oriented implementation for automatic and deliberative skills of a mobile robot}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {International Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics}, DATE = {2003-03-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {Bardolino}, COUNTRY = {Italia}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {M. Rivero, A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis0multiactapproachfor, TITLE = {Multiact Approach for Building Web-based Educational Environments: Mobile Robotics Course as a Case Study}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'03}, DATE = {2003-06-18 00:00:00}, CITY = {Rhodes}, COUNTRY = {Greece}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis0themergingto, TITLE = {The Merging to eLearning in Mobile Robotics}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control (b?02)}, DATE = {2002-07-21 00:00:00}, CITY = {Barcelona}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis0aremoteexperiment, TITLE = {A Remote Experiment on Motor Control of Mobile Robots }, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {10th Mideterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED2002)}, DATE = {2002-09-07 00:00:00}, CITY = {Lisbon}, COUNTRY = { Portugal}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis0designofa, TITLE = {Design of a Remote Laboratory on Mobile Robots}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Internet-based Control Eduaction, IBCE01}, DATE = {2001-12-12 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis0elproyectoiecat, TITLE = {El proyecto IECAT}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Jornadas Enseñanza Vía Internet/Web de la Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática}, DATE = {2001-04-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @CONFERENCE{a.m.khamis0teleducaciónenrobótica, TITLE = {Teleducación en Robótica Móvil}, BOOKTITLE = {}, CONGRESS = {Jornadas Enseñanza Vía Internet/Web de la Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática}, DATE = {2001-04-01 00:00:00}, CITY = {Madrid}, COUNTRY = {Spain}, ISBN = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, PAGES = {0 - 0}, YEAR = {0}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, M.A. Salichs} } @BOOK{a.m.khamis2006industrialrobotics:programming,, CHAPTER = {Accuracy and Calibration Issues of Industrial Manipulators. http://www.intechopen.com/download/pdf/pdfs_id/259}, TITLE = {Industrial Robotics: Programming, Simulation and Applications}, PUBLISHER = {Advanced Robotic Systems International & Pro Verlag}, ISBN = {3-86611-286-6 }, CITY = {}, PAGES = {131 - 146}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis, S. Garrido, M. Abderrahim, L. Moreno} } @BOOK{a.m.khamis2006frontiersinrobotics, CHAPTER = {Internet-based Interaction with Mobile Robots. Book Chapter (Invited)}, TITLE = {Frontiers in Robotics Research, Max A. Denket (Editor), (In press)}, PUBLISHER = {Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York}, ISBN = {1-60021-097-X}, CITY = {}, PAGES = {113 - 162}, YEAR = {2006}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis} } @PHDTHESIS{a.m.khamis2003interacciónremotacon, TITLE = {Interacción remota con robots móviles basada en Internet}, SCHOOL = {}, QUALIFICATION = {Sobresaliente "Cum Laudem"}, SUPERVISORS = {M.A. Salichs}, YEAR = {2003}, AUTHOR = {A.M. Khamis} }